Carlos Sobrino - Hit the Brakes Podcast - Multi-Time Champ - NA Coyote Record Holder - The Joker
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Hey. What's up? Ken from Palm Beach Dyno here. Welcome to the latest episode of the Hit the Brakes podcast, where we sit down and have long conversations with industry leaders and racers. Today's guest really needs no introduction. Longtime NMRA racer, multi-time champion, Mir World Cup champion. Please welcome. Carlos. Sobrino. Welcome to the show, Carlos. I can't believe you here at Palm Beach.
00:00:33:32 - 00:00:55:13
Dyno, we've been friends forever. We don't get to see you here in person very often. Thanks for coming to do the podcast. Super important to me to have people like you on here. So thanks for coming. obviously a lot of people on the internet know who you are. but for those people that don't is, you know, you're one of the coyote kings, especially when it comes to naturally aspirated.
00:00:55:26 - 00:01:16:58
But of course, your history starts way before the coyote ever existed, so I'd like to start there. I know you for probably 20 plus years now. Yeah, yeah, it's been a long time, but I don't even know your history before me. You know, I know you from an MRA, of course, but where did the, car thing start for you?
00:01:16:58 - 00:01:34:13
Like, was it just totally by chance, or were you brought up a bit around it? How did it start for you? Well, it's great to be here finally. We've been talking about this for months, and I finally said, let's do it. You were like, come on down, and here I am. Yeah, I live Jersey. It was 44 degrees up here and it's 85 degrees.
00:01:34:15 - 00:01:48:44
I love it. And you also get the, you're the very first person to fly and specifically for the podcast. So that was very cool. I feel special, like you said, we've been talking about it forever. I'm like, if I don't do it now, it's never going to happen. So let's just go ahead and just do it.
00:01:48:55 - 00:02:02:57
Yeah, we talked a Monday and I'm like, okay, right now Saturday, I don't remember. I didn't expect you to actually do it. I was like, oh shit. The next ten minutes later I'm like, hey, can you pick me up at the airport? Yeah. You know, you're like, f you, dude. Goober.
00:02:03:01 - 00:02:22:51
What do you want from me? Everything so. Okay. So. Yeah. I was raised my my dad was a car guy. My uncle was a car guy. They. My uncle was funny cause when I was a kid, he actually had an Eleanor, but I didn't know I was an owner. I was like a 67, 68 beautiful car. He never drove it.
00:02:22:51 - 00:02:40:18
He had it in his yard thrown there. But I'm like, there's a little kid. I'm like, that's a badass Mustang. Then my father got a mustang and, it was funny because he once he had a 67 Mustang. My dad was. I'm talking about I'm eight, nine years old. And what, like, time frame is this? Oh, yeah. 70, 70.
00:02:40:21 - 00:02:58:07
Yeah. This is the 70s. And he bought my sister a 68 Camaro. and we lived in a third floor because we lived in a ghetto. And, I'm looking down one day, and the Mustangs outside, and the Camaro is outside in front of the house. I'm like, I, I'm I'm a mustang guy, but that Camaro looks really good.
00:02:58:12 - 00:03:17:11
That's a really nice Camaro. Thank God my sister didn't like it and he sold it. And what are a Nissan Pulsar is more practical. Here's a Nissan fault. You're fine. So, yeah, this is the 70s. my father had a repair shop, so I started, you know, I was cut out. I know, I know you from Jersey.
00:03:17:12 - 00:03:38:04
This in Jersey is all Jersey. Okay? All in Jersey. Yeah, yeah. Not in, North Bergen. So he had a gas station with a partner. Every day I would take a bus after school, about, seven miles to pump gas for a dollar an hour. slave labor was my father. My dad was Chinese. So, so a dollar an hour, and I would just save up money.
00:03:38:04 - 00:03:57:16
And then when he was 15, when I was 15, he bought, 69 Mustang, two barrel, I don't know. Yeah, two hours before barrel. Back then, it was a 69 Mustang. Was a grand with the trunk and automatic is V8. And I was like, I want that car. And he's like, okay, so you got two years to pay for it because I can drive too long.
00:03:57:18 - 00:04:19:25
17 anyway, long story short, I, you know, got the car. You know, he painted it for me before I got my license. That was the first car I went down the track. It that was in, I'm going to say 85, maybe 1985. So I went down. I still remember the very first pass I ever made. I remember it like it was yesterday.
00:04:19:30 - 00:04:37:21
I did the one wheel burnout. It's a cheap model Mustang, right? Oh, I remember was my heartbeat. Bom bom bom bom bom when I, when I pulled up to the stage mean I'm like, oh my God, this is amazing. Well 16 to like 85 miles an hour. Yeah. And in your case like you've been looking forward to this for a long time I assume.
00:04:37:21 - 00:04:58:19
Right. Well you're in the cars I can't wait. I go to the track anyway. Right. This is Englishtown, you know, so I'm like big, big leagues. Well, I'm I'm whatever. I'm. I'm 17, 18 years old. I think that 16 was a pig. Then I remember my buddy had an 85 Mustang. Now those were ugly back then. There wasn't there wasn't a big Fe, a big sky, fox body thing.
00:04:58:19 - 00:05:18:11
Back then, there were still ugly cars, right? Because of the 84, they were pretty much slugs. so my buddy had an 85 number. He smoked me so bad, he left me in the weeds, and I'm like, what's in that hood of that car? He was like, oh, it's A302. Just like your 69 Mustang. Yeah, like I didn't like my 69 Mustang.
00:05:18:16 - 00:05:38:36
So then, my mom happened to pass away, so we had a little insurance money from the her life insurance. So my dad said, you know what? Here's $5,000. The rest is on. You buy a car. So I went right to the Chevy dealer. Look. The Corvette. Nice. 86 Corvette. Yeah. Couldn't afford that. It's like 30, $30,000.
00:05:39:06 - 00:05:56:25
I rented a Buick dealer for a Grand National. I know, right? Too much for brand loyalty, right? Went for a grand National. They hardly had any left, and they were like stupid money, because that was the last year of the Grand National. So I'm like, oh, well, let's go find a Ford. And, went to the dealer and they had 386.
00:05:56:25 - 00:06:16:15
Is there 86 GT's? You know, one was automatic, one at T tops, and one was just medium canyon iron, Irish red, whatever the hardest. And it was just a car. And I was like, I could afford this and that's it. The rest. And then my, my friend with the 85 still kicked my ass. And I was like, what am I doing wrong?
00:06:16:15 - 00:06:36:07
He goes, what'd you shift to that? I go about 3500. He's like, what? There he goes. He goes, what? I go, yeah, he goes down low to 5000. I'm like 5000. Are you crazy, dude? He's got warranty. About two weeks later, I smoked his ass. And that was the beginning of the the whole Fox body 5.0 drag racing thing.
00:06:36:12 - 00:06:52:46
And then every time I would get beat and I was poor back that and I wasn't, you know, I was pumping gas for a dollar. Not well back then I actually had a better job. But I started, just experimenting with the car being that that was the first year of the 86. I was a first year fuel injection.
00:06:53:22 - 00:07:15:45
my father's mechanics at his shop were carburetor guys. There were older guys. They'd never seen fuel injection. So here I am with my 86 with fuel injection. And they're like, we didn't touch on that. So that's when I started going to the track and looking at other people's cars and seeing what they were doing, and I'm like, okay, you know, so I learned on fuel injection because I have a repair shop now, but I learned that fuel injection with carburetor.
00:07:15:45 - 00:07:36:45
Now that's second nature to me, right? I'm like, you know, four screws. Yeah. So, so that's that was it. And then I just kept getting faster and faster, and I just kept modding it and modding it and modding it. So you were at the beginning of like, you know, the Mustangs have been famous for its whole life, but it really changed tone at that point, right?
00:07:36:45 - 00:07:56:47
We're really became a performance car, right? It was either the the the late 60s, early 70 Mustangs, and you had that ugly face and up to the 84, you know, the 80 fours were quick, but they had the single exhaust and the 75 rear. So they were they were better, but the 85 really came to life in the 80 sixes.
00:07:56:47 - 00:08:26:31
Forget about it. I mean, I used to go we just go to English. Tell me, my friend Ernie, we used to go all the time because that's all we did. Yeah. Weekends. It's 45 minutes away from my house. We used to go in Stormin Norman used to drive in with his convertible GT. literally jack his car up, take his tires off, tie them up and chain him against the fence, and nobody would steal his tires, you know, and and it's funny because when they were walking by, me and Ernie were walking by the back of his car and we were, you know, going arrogant, you know, and he he looks up under his hood
00:08:26:31 - 00:08:47:38
and he goes, you guys got Mustangs? Like, yeah, he was me. So we went, but the old man is perfect, old man. You know, we go over there and he goes aluminum under drive pulleys Elizabeth Ford get them I know I said, I said it explicit of like a fatty. Yeah. And we walked away. I'm like, look at this retard with aluminum pulleys.
00:08:47:38 - 00:09:06:54
They don't do shit. He had the first set of onion drive pulleys. Yeah. That's crazy. He was there. Got those guys. You got to get these. So like hit them. They didn't do shit, you know. So we walked away and years and then he just kept getting faster and faster. And he would drive to the track. You know, he remember he had the old cell phone tower next to his shifter back in the 80s.
00:09:06:54 - 00:09:22:37
Miami Vice stuff. Right. And his license plate said, my other car is a Porsche, and I used to bust his nuts. I go, which is faster this or your Porsche goes, oh, no, this is so there's your point. Say my other car's a mustang. I was I was really on his ass because he was a local racer with us.
00:09:22:37 - 00:09:39:09
He was an English town guy. That's so funny. Yeah. Where are you guys in age? And he's an older guy. Oh, you Stormin Norman? Yeah, yeah, he was much older. He was probably 20 years older than me. Right? Right. So he was like, you know, you were the kid coming in and he's already had some experience. I'm assuming he didn't start messing with cars right?
00:09:39:09 - 00:09:59:54
When those came out. He had been messing with other stuff earlier. I don't know his history. I know he had a Roush sticker on the I know the name, but you know, it's right. Right, right. Well, he was the he was like, yeah, he's pretty much the guy who laid down the road work for the 5.0. Right. Because I mean, he literally had a 12 second Mustang in 1987, a convertible stick convertible.
00:10:00:03 - 00:10:16:59
Roush built the motor. He had nitrous on it. You take slicks on it, but he drove it to the track. Right. So we were all running, you know, high 13 with our stock Mustang. So they didn't make anything for these cars. Right. Didn't make a thing like this. The first thing was under drive pulleys. I mean my car was a speed density car.
00:10:17:04 - 00:10:37:54
So I started making scoops out of sheet metal and making a ram air from Home Depot directly right to the throttle body. And then I would put a, a girl stocking at the bottom of the scoop at the hose where it meant the scoop. Yeah. And of her stocking there, that's my air filter. It'll stop a pigeon, but it ain't going to stop rocks.
00:10:37:58 - 00:10:57:15
But those are the good old days. Where? What was the first time you decided? Hey, what if we twist this distributor a little bit? What's going to happen? Oh, that was, was that magazine, drag Illustrated. Drag illustrated, because they had an art. They had one. what's his name? It's only the feel. Maybe the fail.
00:10:57:19 - 00:11:17:07
He had a great write up. I don't every anybody over 55 that owns a mustang knows what I'm talking about. He's the king of the Hemi, right? But he bought an electric 13,000 stick strips. You know, crank windows. And he goes, and this one goes in the article, he goes, first thing to do is turn the timing up 13 degrees, and then he writes in the article.
00:11:17:07 - 00:11:38:52
I'll wait here to all you Mustang guys come back from these. I'm like, dude, he was so right because I just grabbed my timing. I'm like, 13 degrees, you know, and pull the sway bar off and like, pull sway bar off. The rest is the rest of the car was stripped. I had, not gutted cats, but they were catch that look like catch right back then.
00:11:39:00 - 00:12:02:04
You know, I'm not sure if we'll ever get a time like that again. Well, I guess the 24 Mustang is kind of like that now a little bit, because you can't tune them. So people are back to, like, doing nonstandard things or things you wouldn't do on an earlier Mustang because, you know, right now we just tune a, you know, anything prior to 24, but with 24 you can't tune it.
00:12:02:16 - 00:12:20:40
So guys are trying to do all these little type things. On the hot rodding thing. mentality has to come out a little bit more, but you know, obviously from, from there to now is insane. But when I got to meet you for the first time was, I couldn't tell you the year, but it was an MRA.
00:12:20:45 - 00:12:40:24
You know, I probably started going to an MRA and, 2004, I think. And I'm not sure I met you right away. I remember we bought Tim Duncan. not me, but the guy that I was, working with at the time, bought Tim Duncan's factory stock car, remember Gene? Yeah, yeah, we bought Tim Duncan's factory stock car, and then we came to Bradenton.
00:12:40:24 - 00:12:56:52
I think for the very first time in 2004. I have never gone to a race in my life, you know, and, you know, from Ohio to Bradenton, it was like. And it was a total frigging nightmare. And that's even after buying, you know, I don't know if Tim was winning, but it was it was it was a competitive car.
00:12:56:52 - 00:13:15:58
He wasn't winning. No, he wasn't running. But I mean, it was either it was in the ballpark, you know, it wasn't like a crap car back then. There were 13 second cars, you know, factory stock was 13, 14 seconds the way it should be, you know? So it was kind of fun. Yeah. And then, you know, you probably came on my radar, you know, as,
00:13:16:03 - 00:13:37:33
Hey, there's crazy Carlos over there, you know, and, at that time, I believe you had the, the trooper car. The trooper car? Yeah. So how do you get from, you know, just getting into the 500 scene and then fast forward. When did you start racing at all, like, competitively? Not, you know, test and tune and stuff like that, but to a race.
00:13:37:33 - 00:13:57:20
Well, unbeknownst to many people that that follow me on Facebook and Instagram, I was all about street racing. It was all about street racing, I remember. And that's a big culture in the northeast period, right? Oh, huge, huge, huge. You could pick any night of the week and pick any city and you'll get a crowd. I mean, we literally used to race on Staten Island on Thursday nights.
00:13:57:25 - 00:14:17:58
We used to go in. It was a car show first and then everybody would go, I think it was Forest Ave or South Ave. I don't remember that. Ice cream trucks, they literally had ice cream trucks and ambulances on the street racing. That's how it works. That's awesome. But the thing is, since I was poor, I learned how to make a car faster just by eliminating stuff and changing stuff.
00:14:17:58 - 00:14:37:57
Like I got a set of Lakewood slap bars for like 50 bucks. You know, we put a 373 gear in the car, and I just started gutting the car and gutting and gutting. I mean, it's funny because, when, when I just got faster and I would get my query tires that were $45 each, these dirt tires, they stuck on the street.
00:14:37:57 - 00:14:58:26
They lasted about ten miles. But they hooked on the street. So I put these McCrory's on. I'm pulling wheelies on the street with the spare space saver front and all that. I'm talking about 88, 89 now. so, you know, take the upper intake off your 86, but the 87 intake on because it's got a bigger throttle body and then 1.7 rockers and timing and lightweight and that's pretty much all you need.
00:14:58:26 - 00:15:23:04
That electric water pump on my car with the little the little belt driven. Yeah. For like 30 bucks. And I got it in a swap meet. So all these little tricks and the car was dominating the streets. Staten Island, Hunts Point, all the street racing. So where did, I don't know if you ever went down this path, but I would assume, with street racing in general, nitrous at some point became I got a good story factor.
00:15:23:04 - 00:15:45:09
Yeah. Because I, you know, this is all stuff that's totally foreign to me because it's funny that you mentioned Staten Island. I grew up on Staten Island, and people ask me questions and I go, well, I grew up in New York. And, obviously you're street race on Forest Avenue. I lived like three inches from Forest Avenue, you know, but to me, I wasn't exposed to that.
00:15:45:09 - 00:16:01:33
So it's kind of a good example of, like, it's about who you surround yourself with. Yeah. You know, and just a lot of times it's not up to you. It just came. Well, yeah, I was kind of like that either is sort of because I was like the fact we had 20. We used to roll 20 cars V but you got in, but your dad was a big or.
00:16:01:33 - 00:16:21:02
Yeah. You know, like it was a car oriented family. Right. And like I didn't come from a car oriented family. So like, in my mind I'm like, oh, I know there was no racing going on back when I lived on Staten Island. I guarantee that obviously there was well, you know, you're a little older than me, but, you know, when I look back on those times, I'm like, it wasn't even on my cars.
00:16:21:07 - 00:16:38:25
Basically, the only thing that was on my radar was like, the guy down the street had a 57 Chevy ride that was like, cool looking. And I that was cool. They fired up on Sunday and I had Lamborghinis on my wall. But what you were experiencing there, right? Oh, no. It was the guy who lived. It was the beginning of the whole thing.
00:16:38:25 - 00:17:01:52
Let me hear the nitrous story. All right, so I got, my, my, my Mustang at that point was running like mid twelves, all motor stock motor except for the rocker arms and some catalytic work and flow masters with domes and a gear like very lightweight car. And I went to my best friend's, got my took him for a ride once now and he was like, oh, there's like a garbage can on wheels.
00:17:01:57 - 00:17:20:25
No AC no he nothing. It was like stripped. But that was my daily. I was the only car I had. Right. So that was my daily and so then I had a buddy of mine, Gus. Big block Chevy, 69, Chevelle. Beautiful car. He's got like, three of them, but I know he had nitrous, so he's like, oh, you know him and all the Chevy guys, right?
00:17:20:30 - 00:17:37:54
Well, very good friends. We kill for each other. But when it comes to cars, I was like, I'm Ford, you're shy. We get away and he's like, well, I'll, I'll smoke your Mustang. And I'm like, dude, no nitrous. He goes, no, no. So we go down West Side AV where we used to race and all I, I, I took about three cars on him off the line and just fell.
00:17:37:57 - 00:17:55:56
Sucker came by me like a freight train. Oh, wow. You. So you sprayed it? No, I did it. I go, okay, you didn't spray it. So then my my one of my crew guys, Joey was in tight with can't be car at the time. So I go, Joey, get me nitrous. We want to put nitrous on this car because I'm in a race.
00:17:55:57 - 00:18:11:25
I want to say, okay, you didn't use and I just before use it now cause I'm going to use it. He never raised me again. because he had me, like, two, 20 years later, he's like, I just you like. I know you did. Nobody passes me like that, bro. Yeah. You guys were on the side like, yeah, Ford sucks.
00:18:11:25 - 00:18:32:24
Chevy wins. Like he cheated. He's a big block with nitrous. That's so funny. So that was so I got I got the nitrous bug there. Yeah. And it was awesome. And obviously nitrous was like the obvious choice back then because there was no blower. Supercharger really. If there was, there was like somebody messing around and like experimenting maybe back then how do you even not even know?
00:18:32:25 - 00:18:47:18
Not even the late 80s. I mean, you didn't even mention a camshaft in that thing. No, there was no, there was I mean, eventually, yeah. I don't even know what year it came out. The be 303 came out. Yeah. I never put a cam in it. I'm like, I'm getting pretty good with this 1.7 rocker arms. Right. So did the math.
00:18:47:18 - 00:19:03:07
And it's kind of like well I have a speed density car. The camera's not going to like the cam. All right. So I just kept it that way because it worked. There was a simple formula that worked. Right. And so the nitrous we came up, we came a lot of fun. That was just, you know, now I'm gonna I'm just killing people.
00:19:03:12 - 00:19:19:30
And I got I mean, I remember what one story I tell Evan Smith all the time because he worked at Englishtown. So I come out no roll bar enough, and I come out around 11 something with the nitrous. So I'm like, I got my time slip. Then I throw me out. Yeah, I go back around, I go in the staging lanes, nobody's throwing me out.
00:19:19:35 - 00:19:35:58
I go under the tower at Englishtown and then, like, new to the tower, I'm like, son of a bitch. So I go up there and it's Evan Smith. Before he was Evan, you know, Reverend Evan and all that. And he's like, you know, you went too fast. You don't have a roll bar in the car. I go, yeah, I know it's my first time with nitrous.
00:19:35:58 - 00:19:50:20
You know, I was just experimenting. And so you can't run it, he goes, you can take the nitrous out. And I'm like, no. And he goes, what do you take the slicks off? And I was like, he goes, he goes. But it's funny cause he goes, if you do take the slicks off, can I borrow them for my car?
00:19:50:20 - 00:20:08:51
I go, you son of a bitch, cadet, you want to take my tires? Oh, that's so funny, though, because here you are going to fast. So they're going to be like, well, you can make the same power, but let's make it more dangerous. Yeah, because he wanted to borrow my tires. Yeah. He had an aviator legs. He was like my car over there.
00:20:09:00 - 00:20:29:30
If you don't see tires. Oh, can I borrow money? I'm going home. you have, you guys. I'm going home. I'm not taking my time. I'm going back to the streets. So it was all about street racing, and then a few years later, I guess. Then I got married, sold the car many times. Did that a bunch of stuff to the car, and I got married.
00:20:29:34 - 00:20:53:20
That was it. And the story. But then years later, to fast forward to a we met. I heard of this animal racing and I was like, factory stock. Oh shit. I used to run pretty good in the stock format, you know, my little factory stock car rentals. so I bought a car in Canada, a white Alex, the guy delivered it from Canada to Jersey when I got there was a real shitbox, like, firewalls pushed.
00:20:53:21 - 00:21:13:18
And, dude, this thing was an accident. Okay, I'll take a thousand off. So I bought this white old hatchback and I'm like, okay, I'm gonna do all the factories, you know, all the stock stuff that I did back in the day. This is now the year 2000. I think I'm going back to 1989. I'm gonna do all the things that I did to that other Mustang, to this one, and go, go dominate an MRA factory stock.
00:21:13:22 - 00:21:30:58
I got my ass handed to me so bad on the first trip. I got the first MRA, which I think was 2000 and 2001, whatever the second year of MRA was, and I got my ass handed to me on the first pass and I was like, oh, these guys are serious a little. I ain't gonna cut it like that.
00:21:30:59 - 00:21:50:47
What I knew. Right. So then you just learn more, you know what I mean? Once you know, as you get. And it's about laps, right? Just like when you're doing that kind of stuff, when you're doing, you know, that's a lot of things people don't understand. And you probably have the best look at that as anybody else is when you just compare and random cars, street racing cars especially.
00:21:50:47 - 00:22:08:02
Right, because they could have almost anything done to them. Whereas now you're racing a class as a very specific ruleset. Yeah, it's levels the playing field. As long as, you know everybody's following the rules, which I know, I don't know. Back then my time in MRA, they were very strict on rules and like, you know, you could tear other people down.
00:22:08:02 - 00:22:26:13
So I assume it was kind of like that back then or a little bit. Yeah. So, you know, here you are. And this happens today. Right? People think they're badass on the street. And then it's like, okay, you know, all the, mystery's gone. Here's exactly what you could do to your car. And we're going to check every one of those things if we if you're too fast.
00:22:26:18 - 00:22:45:28
Now all of a sudden it gets ten times harder, you know. So. Yep yep yep. Definitely. It's, it's a it humbles you when you step into an arena that you don't know, that you think you know, right? You're like, oh, I'm good here. I'm going to try that over there, you know, and I, I suck like I don't know shit.
00:22:45:34 - 00:23:00:41
Right. These guys are doing something right. So it makes you and you like the class. So you're like, well, I got I got to work harder. Yeah. You know, I'm. I got to rest on my laurels from that 80s right in 2001. So then I guess we met a couple of years later because you came in and all four.
00:23:00:41 - 00:23:19:01
But I had already been there three years. Unlimited, limited. I was like, you know, ago, maybe Ohio kind of getting your feet wet. Yeah. The closer races, you know, I wasn't I, car, I had an open trailer with like an old suburban. Right. You know, it's like anybody else. You start here, right? You know, but back then, I wasn't too serious about it anyway.
00:23:19:01 - 00:23:42:05
I was kind of, like, just having more fun, right? I mean, I didn't win my first race for ten years, right? And then I'm all right. Yeah. And you pretty. You were in that same class for that long? Yeah. Yeah, yeah, but I didn't even win a race. You know, the first race was ten years. The first race I won when I finally said, I'm getting serious about this because, well, let's let's talk about that for just a second, because I think that's an important lesson for people.
00:23:42:05 - 00:23:56:12
Yeah, right. I know a lot of people that want to race, and then they get ready to go to the race and they're like, I'm not ready. my car's not going to win all that stuff. But here you are going to ten years of the races and maybe not every single race, but a lot, a lot of races.
00:23:56:16 - 00:24:15:25
So, and I'd be the same way, but one motivated you to keep going, like, you know, obviously you're not going there because you feel like you had a chance to win necessarily. Yeah, you always do the what? You have a chance. But like, you think you might win. Maybe I'll get lucky, you know. Yeah. My dad is cool.
00:24:15:27 - 00:24:28:09
Like, maybe I'll get lucky and I'll win instead of like, you know what? I'm going to put a lot of time and effort into this to try to win. Yeah. So it's kind of like, I. I just went for the party. That's what I'm getting that.
00:24:28:13 - 00:24:50:35
Not just the partying, but the people, the invite whole thing. The whole thing. Right? I mean, yeah, you know, unfortunately nowadays is a little different. than it used to be. We grew up. Yeah, well, but, you know, the heads up racing isn't what it used to be. And that's not in America's fault, I don't think. And in particular, it's just the environment of the world or whatever.
00:24:51:25 - 00:25:08:42
but, you know, I think what people don't get is how much fun it's to be in the people that don't race, how much fun it is to just be at the, at the dragstrip had a real race where you're, you know, I love going to test and tune and setting a new best. But after a while, you know, if you know what, your car can run.
00:25:08:42 - 00:25:29:02
In this case, you run in a factory stock, you know, all motor car. It's not like, oh, let me add two more pounds of boost. You know, once you get to a certain point, right. It's not a big deal. But the minute you're side by side with another car, even if you just win in a round or two here or there, and you have no chance at winning, even though you want to win and you think you could win, you have no chance.
00:25:29:02 - 00:25:56:29
Maybe. But even if you're just real close to somebody, it gives you hope in a real race. It's exciting, right? Because you're like, oh, start a pull on them or whatever, you know, and, and, even myself, I, I've been doing this a long time, but, you know, you've been in competitive heads up races like 100 to 1 of me, because I just, unfortunately haven't had the time to race a series for a long period of time.
00:25:56:29 - 00:26:19:24
And I plan to get to that eventually, although I better get to it. So, but, you know, so what, you know, what was the catalyst after ten years of not winning a race that made you go, you know what? It's time for me to win a race and do whatever it takes. And what did it take when the hangover lasts longer than the party?
00:26:19:39 - 00:26:39:52
Yeah. It's time to. To stop the partying. I remember, and I don't know if this was before you when your first race, but it was after we knew each other. Maybe not super good. but it was Saturday, right? People I don't know anymore is usually like a Friday, Saturday, Sunday deal. It's Saturday and, you know, in the lanes.
00:26:39:57 - 00:27:01:01
Oh, Carlos. I was like, Hey, anybody seen Carlos? Yeah, he's asleep in the trailer. And you slept the entire day. I guess all the Saturdays I missed, I missed so many Saturdays. And I would just be laying in the back of the trailer. Not many people say trailer. No, it's not like a motorhome, right? No, I'm in my my clothes.
00:27:01:01 - 00:27:21:59
24ft trailer laying along on the ramp. It's like 100 degrees. It's 100 degrees. I'm dying, I don't care, I'm asleep. But yeah. So eventually that got boring. The party, you know what I mean? Because literally, you could walk to any pit back in the old days or anything, right? If you you can find 20 parties in 20 different pits all through the night.
00:27:22:06 - 00:27:39:39
And I would go to 20 of them and I would get every single one and then like 4:00, they're like, oh, we'll go to bed. I'm like, what? What do you mean? On Friday night? so they were taking it more serious than me, right? You know, so I couldn't get mad at me not winning when I'm gone.
00:27:39:41 - 00:27:54:30
I have that that attitude in that whole lifestyle. Right. So I was kind of, like, cool with it. Then finally, I'm like, you know what? I'm I'm tired of this because I'm helping everybody else with their cars because most of the guys in the class weren't mechanics, right? You know, they would have somebody build their cars and then like, oh my God, my start.
00:27:54:30 - 00:28:14:56
I'm like, oh, I come over. I check it all refused, blow your fuel pump, whatever. So I'm like, today I get serious, these guys are in trouble because I can raise the car and I know how to fix the car. When I stop fixing theirs and stop paying attention to mine. And that's what happened. I got in really good with an engine builder, Chris Smith, my friend, our friend Jamie Robinson from Georgia.
00:28:14:56 - 00:28:30:21
Yeah, because I had a $30 motor. I bought this motor off a scrap truck. The guy had an apple stuck in the in the lifter valley and had it on a scrap metal truck. And I said, how much for that motor? He goes 30 bucks. Like, okay, we them by the water pump took it off. It was brand new.
00:28:30:34 - 00:28:52:55
It's a brand new one, a 5.0. So then, so Jamie's like, you know, I got this good engine builder down in Georgia, like. Yeah. What's his name was Chris Smith. I was like, let me talk to him that he's got built me this crazy pushrod motor that's running. So that's when I was getting serious, like, okay, now I got a real motor, let's do really well.
00:28:52:55 - 00:29:10:03
And that's when we won the two championships with his motor, which was, what, 11 and 12? Yeah. Yeah, brother 11 and 12 real quick. because what you said as far as helping other people, at what point did you start, you know, you own, a repair shop, you do some performance work, but mostly like repair stuff.
00:29:10:08 - 00:29:26:24
Where where did that come into the picture? Were you already doing that as for opening the shop July of 2000. Okay, so I kind of right when you were starting back into the. Yeah. On the same time. Yeah, around the same time. That's why I figured it was good. I was divorced, I didn't have a wife to take my cars away.
00:29:27:34 - 00:29:47:47
and my home and my bank account, like 401 K, so my mutual funds, all she left me was the wedding picture and the karaoke machine that I bought her. I'm like, okay, that's cool. I still haven't, so yeah. So I had to shop. So it's kind of like the perfect time, right? Because I have a shop, I have a Lyft, I have air guns.
00:29:47:47 - 00:30:09:09
I can actually build a car. That's why we took three cars. We took my my old 86 Mustang, which is now an ex pro five old car, which never ran for like a month, and it blew the motor off, so I never built it again. We took that White Elk's that I had and that Florida trooper car. Yeah, I mean one day we took all three, put them on the three lifts and one car came out.
00:30:09:09 - 00:30:24:27
That was the trooper car. I took the best parts of every car and put it in the trooper car. Okay. And that's when the trooper came out and we're like, okay, now we're going to get, you know, more serious. It was like 2001 or 2 because that white Alex was just junk, right? So we made one car out of that one and we had a job to do it.
00:30:24:39 - 00:30:41:56
I like we got three lives, but three cars. Then one comes out, that's all. Get scrapped. But you could do that when you have a shop. So yeah, I was more into it, but I wasn't really, really till like 2010 when I finished second and points and I was like, and I beat Tommy Godfrey, which I had never beaten.
00:30:42:34 - 00:30:59:40
you know, the corporate. Yeah. Paid off racer. I was watching, so we beat him and that's when it got more serious. And then the next two years when Chris crazy motor. I mean, we told Chris what it man on the dyno because he didn't I don't because he was an engine. I know what's in it. It's you know, it's a toy, right?
00:30:59:45 - 00:31:22:04
You mean like 403 horsepower at the wheels on on Franks. see, Frank saw Dino and the engine brother Chris. He's like, how do you guys make that power? I know what's in that motor. That shit in there. I don't know. You built a good motor, and that thing was just killer. That's always good when your engine builder, you know, you exceed the expectations of the builder himself.
00:31:22:04 - 00:31:40:17
Usually that's the other way around. Like I built you the baddest motor in the world, and then you dyno and you're like, What is funny? Because he's a I guess he's a scholar of Ron Anderson. Oh, okay. Because he I mean, Chris, manageable is huge. I think it's just you still work with this guy? Yeah. He built my new coyote.
00:31:40:17 - 00:32:00:10
Yeah. That's that's. I'm super psyched. So it's funny because Ron taught him a lot. And Ron, you know, Ron Anderson's. Yeah, two feet tall. Chris is like, six foot seven. Ron goes, I didn't teach him. He kill me, beat me up. Ron was scared. I was like, good. I'm glad you taught him because he learns well. So that was it.
00:32:00:10 - 00:32:19:44
And then we won the two championships. We're going to go to third. This is now 2013. And the motor decided to get a little. Now at that point I was hoping the coyote stock guys because I'm a factory stock guy. Yeah. So I was teaching and but you're still using a pushrod in factory stock. Oh, yeah. Right.
00:32:19:48 - 00:32:48:22
Oh, yeah. You're not using mods. They weren't. They weren't allowed yet. Oh, it was two valves. You could have ran a modular though, which you could have ran a two valve. Which is right. Not like, that that takes a lot of special work to keep up with the pushrod. And that was right. That's kind of how, you know, coyote stock was born because you have these different combinations, and it was more based off pure street than factory stock, but pure Street was just factory stock on steroids a little bit.
00:32:48:27 - 00:33:07:37
And the issue was balancing the rules between all the engines. And then, you know, when the coyote came out, that's why coyote stock was able to. Yeah. To succeed, because it was so far ahead of the two valve and the four valve. Yeah. And then now we and you know, if you tried to make a spec motor class before the coyote, it would have been like, which one do you pick?
00:33:07:42 - 00:33:26:51
They all kind of suck stock stock. So you can just say you have to run a stock two valve or stock pushrod because we're stuck. And we're going to get a stock pushrod at that point. It's a waste of time. Yeah. So you know that's the coyote was like transformative. And then and and all racing and you can see where it goes now I mean it used to be like oh well it's pretty good motor now.
00:33:26:51 - 00:33:43:33
Like the fastest guys in the world, run that engine. But. So you were helping coyote stock guys, right? Because I was a factory stock guy. Yeah. I had just you had you had just. You just invented this class. Yep. Me. And we had all these new guys asking me questions because I'm not a threat to them, because I'm in a different class and I would like to help them.
00:33:43:33 - 00:33:59:30
I would say, you know, you know, shift this way. The guys watching that know that, know what I'm talking about and, shift this way and they'll, you know, do this and do that. Oh, wow. Cool cool cool. We had trucks back then, right? And, they were doing well. So then I was told, when in fact, you stop.
00:33:59:30 - 00:34:14:17
But the car, it started to slow down for some reason. And when, like, I hear a little tapping noise in the motor, this is for everybody out there to pay attention to the cheap shit that you're buying. I had the same BBQ throttle body for another, it's a cheap auto body. It's ten years old. things happen.
00:34:14:22 - 00:34:30:52
The two little screws that hold the blade, one of the nuts fell off, into the motor, and it hit the piston. And I mean, the I mean, the tolerances in that motor have a push, right? To keep up with a coyote. You got to push the hell out of this thing, and it bet it ruined the piston.
00:34:30:57 - 00:34:48:15
And then it was, like, 16 weeks for another piston to be made, maybe even six months. I don't remember what Chris said. It was like, it's a long time to get another piston made. And I'm like, I'm buying a coyote. I'm like, it's so much easier. Just buy a coyote. And these guys are going fast. So yeah, that's when I switched over to coyote stock.
00:34:48:19 - 00:35:05:32
And so, you know, obviously in the beginning and that was in the how the third year, it was like the third year of coyote. It was really, you know, it took a couple of years to get coyote stock to where it was. Everybody looks at coyote stock now. It's like, that's one of the best a list.
00:35:05:33 - 00:35:24:03
But the first couple of years, it was rough. There was 2 or 3 guys maybe. You know, I think the first year there was three guys in that class. Really? Yeah. I thought it was more no, I loved it because I went and just to kind of refresh my memory, I went and looked at it, and I believe the first year there was only like throughout the entire year, only 4 or 5 people entered it.
00:35:24:03 - 00:35:42:59
And at a typical race, it was like Joe Charles, who I think I am. Yeah, Jacob was early and Justin I think Shane. And then, I think Shane was a little bit not the first year, that Joe. no, Shane was there. The first year was I think he beat Justin in the final to give Joe Charles the championship.
00:35:43:08 - 00:35:59:03
okay. And then Joe Garton, I guess how you say. Yeah, yeah, he's still racing. He's doing, Ultra Street or something. Yeah. Yeah. but yeah. So, you know, they wanted to really get automatics into that class or give him a, I guess automatics were always legal, but they had to run it the same way. So nobody was going to run it.
00:35:59:04 - 00:36:21:07
And then they were like, oh, it was only like 3 or 4 cars. And I'm like, no, just give it time, give it time, give it time. And then I think it was like the second or third year, which is probably when you popped your head in. Right? Right. By hitting two. Yeah. It was, it went from like, I'm not sure about that class to like everybody started wanting to build cars to that class because I think they saw the benefit of like at the end of the year.
00:36:21:12 - 00:36:42:26
I remember, you know, back when you were on a factory stock, I was up and Steve Gifford, and, and Victor Downs in pure street and it started to become more about politics and coming up with the rules proposal and, you know, and I'm like, this is stupid. This is so fucking stupid. Don't we want to race?
00:36:42:26 - 00:37:05:39
I remember one year we spent like ten grand on Steve's motor on the off season, and then it got to race with rules after like the second race. Yeah. Because hey, we were getting our ass kicked for three years straight. We made $10,000 with two changes on an engine, and we got like 1 or 2 race benefit out of it because they're just like, yep, no more tough.
00:37:05:40 - 00:37:25:55
Ask it out. Yeah. So, you know, that's that's why I loved coyote stock so much. It just got to the point where, you know, obviously, with any kind of heads up racing and people that don't understand heads up racing or having done it, you know, the big thing to think about is the gray area, right? Like when you do rules, you got to look for that gray area.
00:37:25:55 - 00:37:45:18
That's not you're not cheating necessarily, but you're doing things that maybe other people don't. You misinterpret. Yeah. And you kind of read it. It gets into like interpreting the rules like is a very thin line. It is. Yeah. You know you know so we've all we don't we all know people that have crossed that line and gotten caught and they're like, oh, that's how I read it.
00:37:45:18 - 00:38:04:39
If you read that rule like that, what rule did you not read like that? Yeah, I mean, full transparency. You know, I wasn't the racer. So technically it's not me. But, you know, Gifford got caught cheating. I was like, I write it out. Yeah, we got screwed by, you know, that's that's somebody working at the engine, place because they.
00:38:04:39 - 00:38:24:32
It was, you know, for those people that don't understand, you know, if you go really fast at a record or anything, a competitor, challenges you, right, as a tear down, then they tear you down. But they found that shit on Steve's car, like, in ten minutes. Because they knew where. Because they knew exactly where it was.
00:38:24:36 - 00:38:39:27
Somebody right at me off for the floor of the car when I bought the jogger car. That was. That came from Rob Caruso. Oh, you says drag radial car. It was laying on the ground. He bought it and he had an automatic. So he had the tunnel cut out somewhat. I got to go to the shop some kid comes by, looks at it.
00:38:39:27 - 00:38:52:08
Oh, hey, I go, hey, I got a closed tunnel up. Whatever. I'm going to put a carpet over it. He ran at me out to the ATM. All right, because I that was a shirt for the first race and we put like three layers of carpet on this thing, and I thought it was going to be a performance advantage because Tom Bateman said it.
00:38:52:08 - 00:39:06:14
He goes, first thing he did was jacked. The car up, climbs to look at the car, looks up the tunnel. I'm like, what the how do you know what? Is he going to the Foley spot and I'm cheating. You know, it's not really cheating because on a performance in hell. But it's not legal. Yeah, talk about a love hate relationship.
00:39:06:14 - 00:39:23:25
Tom Bates I really like that guy. But, you know, back when we were racing, you know, we love to hate them and complain about them, but, it looking back, looking back, it was great. You know, he was he was he was a good guy. Yeah. And just the whole tear down process sucked when you were doing it.
00:39:23:25 - 00:39:45:49
But when I look back on it, I go and do that shit doesn't happen anymore. No. Like no heads up racing at our level does that anymore. They just craft the rules. you know, like Mirror World Cup getting pretty strict. And they do. Oh, yeah. Hardcore tech beforehand, measuring turbos and all that. But there's usually not much tear down stuff, and they usually don't make rules as much as they used to specific to the engine.
00:39:45:54 - 00:40:05:39
They've realized like, well, we're better off limiting power adders or like and on motors to fuel all that stuff like that. We were talking before about how, you know, you do so many years, you kind of it the politics of it. Yeah. So you learn, you know, it's ten, 12 years old. So actually my second championship, a bowling green is the last race of the year for tomorrow.
00:40:06:12 - 00:40:28:06
so I always knew for the last previous 11 years, Tom Bates would always tear down the top two qualifiers. Right? So I'm like, you know what? I don't feel like tearing it down. I want to qualify third. so I kind of, you know, least lean back and qualify third, last qualifying run, we pull into the things, Tom Bates comes out, shakes his head.
00:40:28:06 - 00:40:48:04
He goes, Mr. Serino, we're tearing down the top three today. Son of a bitch. Come on. He knew your game. I'm like some of you. You know exactly. Which is good, though, because, like you said, you know, kept, you know, kept me honest. Yeah. Kept everybody honest. You know, he's like, we're doing the top three today. I like you, son of.
00:40:48:09 - 00:41:08:07
That was the best part, I think about Tom. was he really enjoyed, you know, his job and just being a dick, you know? But that was his job, and he was very good at it. But, I remember, after, long after Tom was gone, I would complain about, tech and, like, nobody gets torn down anymore.
00:41:08:07 - 00:41:29:54
Nobody gets torn down any more than one year. Bowling green, I think it was Dave was the tech director, you know, talking about. And, he tore down the entire factory stock class, to show a piston. Yeah. Just because that was because nobody did it anymore. And I was. Well, no, he pointed at me like, hey, everybody get torn down because I can.
00:41:29:54 - 00:41:50:06
But he pretty much said, you know, the cadet broke the rule that he basically said, everybody, you know, well, getting complaints about nobody again torn down. So we're turned down everybody. And you can thank that kid that your push ups and I get the piston out. Well you got to take the piston out right. That's for valve out of four valve take it out and itum.
00:41:50:06 - 00:42:17:04
And he does this. It looks like a piston and has a vacuum. So it was basically like a fuck you right. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Anyway, so, you know, like I said, you won the championship. What, 11 and 12. Yeah. And then 13. Some engine issues. so now you transition into a place like coyote stock, right? So you kind of, obviously is way more to it.
00:42:17:09 - 00:42:39:52
But you mentioned the engine was a big part of your factory stock. sure. With the whole thing. Success. Yeah. Obviously with coyote stock, unless you're cheating, which I think most people were good on the engine itself. As far as cheating, the playing field is pretty level. Obviously. Every engine slightly different. Maybe one guy makes 4 or 5 more horsepower than the other guy, but it's a pretty level playing field.
00:42:39:57 - 00:42:57:09
So how do you transition? You know, how did coyote stock go for you in the beginning? I don't think in the first couple of years, it's not like you just went in and were, oh, no, you know, 1 or 2 right away. so, you know, how did you feel when you first got into coyote stock and what kind of things do you concentrate on?
00:42:57:09 - 00:43:18:14
Or is it just just about everything, you know, being that it's you're all in the same playing field and it's like Iraq back in the day, you know what I mean? So it comes down to you got to drive it a little better because with Chris's motor and factory stock, I just made more power than anybody. So the driver could be a little bit off on the shift and you could spend a little bit in the clutch adjustment could be a little off.
00:43:18:14 - 00:43:33:57
And and you still win, right. Because you'll be like, I got more power, you know. That's it. But in coyote stock it's kind of like okay, the clutch has to be just right. I need data now. I got to download data and look at my clutch lap and look at this and that. But I think it was my my first or second year in the class.
00:43:33:57 - 00:43:53:49
I held the class record from the second race was was Georgia right to Bowling Green when Darren Brogan. so I kind of caught I didn't know any races though. Bad luck. I had bad MSDS. I had two stabs. Was that the year that you finished? I was looking up through the points. I know your first really good finish was, like, fourth place in points.
00:43:53:49 - 00:44:08:31
Maybe I don't remember. It might have been a year or two after that. So it's been like, what, 22, 23 years of points? I don't remember what year I finished. Yeah. 10th or I remember the first. Right. Yeah, yeah. And the second, the rest of them were kind of like, who cares? No jacket. Yeah. No ring, no jacket, I don't care.
00:44:08:36 - 00:44:24:36
Yeah, yeah. So no. So I had the record for that whole year. So I was kind of getting the point of what I couldn't get over the hump of winning. I just couldn't. I would mess up at this point. You have the record, but it's not like you were beating everybody by a 10th. No no no no no no no 1200.
00:44:24:36 - 00:44:43:30
Yeah. You know, it was so at the end of the day, even if you have the record, you could easily lose it on the tree even. Right. Because it's so tight. Well yeah I did three if you ever saw my helmet those years, I've always had a race with Jacob where the difference was like 0.001 right at the finish line.
00:44:43:35 - 00:44:59:49
And now where I messed up was my peripheral vision. I saw him and I looked over real quick. I jumped at second. I was like, oh, so I was just on my helmet, you know? I taped up my helmet. So no more peripheral vision. The the car drive your car. Forgot about the other guy, right? Just do your job while you're looking at the other guy's car, because a pretty red car.
00:44:59:51 - 00:45:17:39
And that's good advice for any type of, oh, you just race, do your race. Forget about the other guy. If you're doing what you got to do, you're going to win. Yeah. You know, just glancing over and hitting second gear, I'm like, why did I do that? oh. This is what I'm like, no. And then I had like I said, I had electrical gremlins happen.
00:45:17:43 - 00:45:40:01
Clutch problem. Sometimes there's a lot of punches. Should they just kept me out of the winner's circle. Yep. And, what was I had I had a story here, but. Oh, yeah. So another thing was it is, I'm responsible for the g100 runs in coyote stop. yeah. Let's go over that. Up to that point, people. And, and some people were still trying to use a T5.
00:45:40:01 - 00:46:02:13
Right? Or. No. Yes. Yes. You're still using the T5. You're right. Yeah. Right. Because it was lighter and yeah, they were trying to slow it down at that level when, you know, you got to have something. I mean and even had tanks were breaking a time. Oh we had three. Yeah I think every team had three tracks. Now is that because of the trans or the way you guys are trying to shift it.
00:46:02:18 - 00:46:21:07
The trans. Yeah. Do you think it was. Oh using the clutch. Yeah. I was a little using the clutch. Yeah. For almost all the gears. Right now. Do you think that was just a lack of technology at that point. Like because obviously, you know, the guys are using trucks nowadays and going sixes with them on the power pole, different traffic.
00:46:21:07 - 00:46:44:40
But it's and it's also clutch was involved. Right. But that's a whole different traffic though. Yeah we did have TC axes and magnums. We had no, was it the 500 and the 600. Yeah. Yeah it was a total trans. Yeah. I mean the, the rail in it and stuff. All right. So we had three. So one day I sat down what race it was and I broke one to manually broke like two.
00:46:44:45 - 00:47:05:18
Another guy broke one and I said that one. Then I'm already tig at 630 in the morning at the tent. And I said, we got to talk, guys, this is okay. I go, I got three transmissions. They're $5,000 each. My transmission, package cost more than my engine. Right. The engine was. It was genuine. Right. You're not going to that happens.
00:47:05:20 - 00:47:22:54
Right? Yeah. I go when you I go, we break one wait for liberty. Because only liberty had two parts for it. And it's only one guy that Brett Cowl that was actually working on me. Yeah. You know, I mean, it was one guy responsible for all these trucks when I used to go. He still has another job at Liberty, fixing pro mods and all that crap.
00:47:22:58 - 00:47:42:34
So I go, we break one, send it to Liberty, put the other one in. When that one breaks, we put the third one in. At that point, the first one's coming back. Now we send the second one to Liberty. Right? Break the third one. Put the first one back in I go. We need AG1 hundred one. We need something better.
00:47:42:34 - 00:47:58:40
I go just better racing. And where did you, I know you have a relationship with GeForce now. Oh, yeah, but was that already the case, or is this how you became friendly with GeForce? Like, when the. That's how I became friendly with them. Yeah, I didn't know that. I just knew that about a product. Right. So. But you just picked them because you knew about that trans, right?
00:47:58:40 - 00:48:14:06
Yeah. Right. Right, right. I knew about the trans I was a better Trans Am that, that, that was on a Saturday morning. Where was that trans used a lot before. Before you went to lunch. Yeah. Like everywhere. Dude. Every super stalker. Okay. Like okay. It looks like a monkey. It's a monkey. You know, it's a monkey. Copy. It's just.
00:48:14:11 - 00:48:29:36
Right. Better. So everybody using it everywhere. I mean, if if that thing had a 15, I would put it on my street car, right? That's how sweet it was. Yeah. But, so the next day when we came home Monday, I ordered a new one. And one I got done with this. Now, Murray had an approved it. Yeah, right.
00:48:29:36 - 00:48:47:40
But you're like, either way I go, I'm getting one. I can't do this anymore. I can't be spending 3000, you know, 2000 on a traffics and on on the G100 one. You got, a lot of more flexibility with gear ratios, don't you? Well, that's that that was a thing when I called, I had when my car at that time I had a TCL 500 which had the 327 first gear.
00:48:47:45 - 00:49:03:47
So when I called G-Force and I talk to Leonard, I go, I want to trans what gear you want? I want a three 31st gear so we don't make it. We 31st gear. Like what? I want it to be 31st gear. He's like, we don't make one. Oh my man I go, I'll make one. He's like, okay, we'll figure something out and we'll make it.
00:49:03:52 - 00:49:24:41
Three days later, MRA announces, we're allowing the NMR. We're allowing G-Force D 101 and a coyote stock, but we're limited gear ratios. I'm like, oh no, I just ordered a non-existing gear. So I called Leonard. Unbuckle Leonard. He goes, don't worry. They asked me what gear ratios and I put 330 and one. I got I no thank you.
00:49:24:41 - 00:49:45:51
I was like, oh shit, I'm screwed. Let's call him back and say, no, I'll take the 330, I'll put another gear on it. So that was it. And then now you see the racing quality. Now, I mean, you know, honestly, I agree 100%. It transformed that class because, you know, we did a lot of pure I never competed in, coyote stock or helped anybody in kaiju stock.
00:49:46:28 - 00:50:03:02
but, you know, that came from Pure Street. And we had the same issue in Pure Street where, you know, not half the time, but very often you're watching racing. And then one, only one guy mixing in. Yeah. That's boring. Yeah. You know, it's not it's not about who's winning the race. It's about who doesn't break. Right, right, right.
00:50:03:09 - 00:50:22:51
So and then I mean, now you say it, man. When I watch coyote stock now it's almost it's super right last for both cars not to make it all the way down the track. Yeah. It's like almost non-existent right. Yeah. 1% deal. Now, one car might miss a shift or break a clutch or something. Yeah. And you know, that's racing.
00:50:22:51 - 00:50:38:12
It's very possible that if you didn't make that move to help push the G one on one, like it could have killed the class because at a certain point you give up, you give up. You're like, you know, this is just stupid. Yes. Like, I can't do it. I can't drive. I got more money invested in transmissions in my engine package.
00:50:38:16 - 00:50:59:45
I got I got 15,000 transmissions in the $7,000 engine. I got guys, they listen though. That guy was Dave W and Frank Hoffman. Yeah. And I think, Raleigh was there, not Raleigh. Oh, yeah, Raleigh was there and, Wolcott was there. And they listen because I threw numbers. I go, dude, we're spending you know, you got a $6,000 motor with 15,000 all transmissions.
00:50:59:52 - 00:51:19:44
Yeah. And the racing sucks because you got guys breaking every fast. Guy's breaking all the time. So, you know, I don't know how much you want to share, because it's not like you're doing that kind of racing anymore. And you don't have to give details. But you went from, you know, holding the record but not winning a race to, what year did you win the championship in coyote stock?
00:51:19:53 - 00:51:37:34
I never want a championship in coyote. Oh, no. You won two races. I won two races one year. Right. Well, I took a year off, but. But those are the only two races you went to that year. Yeah. So in my opinion, you. There's a very good chance you could have won the championship that year if you went to every race you went to, to know.
00:51:37:36 - 00:51:53:04
So even if you just did pretty good at the other races, you would have been in a sweet spot, because a lot of the times, depending on the year, champion didn't win that many races, whatever year it was, they might have won 1 or 2 races and then did pretty good. And that's how tight the racing was.
00:51:53:04 - 00:52:08:24
So yeah, you didn't win a cul de sac championship, but in my mind you killed everybody. Those two races when you showed up. Yeah. And everybody was like probably happy when you didn't show up for the other races that year because you had something figured out. Yeah, well, I spent a whole I took a whole year off. Yeah.
00:52:08:25 - 00:52:32:22
We usually for, I mean, a the shop had a little cost, little call. I go to the racing, he'd run the shop. Then he finally said, I need a real job. I need a real paycheck. I need a real job and need a real boss. So he laughed. So I was like, oh, I cut out my whole traveling thing because I can't close a business, you know, he used to come to, some of them would come, but when he couldn't come, I know the business was still running and full money coming in, and I'd be wasting it.
00:52:32:27 - 00:52:50:24
Yeah. You know, but he's making it. I'm wasting it. It's fine. Everything works. And we both come together. We had a really good week before, so we could both waste money now. Yeah. So, so that kind of cut back. But then I took the program and I since I couldn't, I put on a dino, and we were just messing with this car on a dino.
00:52:50:33 - 00:53:05:01
Yeah. And messing with it and messing with it and messing with it. And I had a 28 inch tire. Nobody had a 28 inch tire. Yeah. So I figured out this gear ratio in the trans and this gear ratio in the back. This thing back has like son of a bitch. And but it won't do this off the line right.
00:53:05:06 - 00:53:22:52
But you're keeping the sweet you extending the sweet spot. Yep. And that's when I said, well Maple Grove is close. You know, it's not really. I had to take a week off from work. Let me just go to Maple Grove and we qualified third or fourth. I was away because of the Michigan sandwich. Yeah, because every race, those two races that I won, it was Michigan guys.
00:53:22:57 - 00:53:47:06
Me, Michigan guys. Randy Soper, Kevin McMullen. Well, that's another good, point to put out. You were, you know, Carlos helped you a little. Carlos, but you were a one man team. Pretty much kind of. You know what I mean? Like the Michigan you guys should do the grill. I got Marco and Charlie. I guys. Yeah, no offense to them, but they were.
00:53:47:07 - 00:54:12:30
I mean, as far as, like, who was racing right where the Michigan guys, they were all helping each other. That might have been. Oh yeah, 2 or 3 guys that were all. Yeah. Teaming up against you kind of right. Like no matter. I love that though. No I know, but that's what makes to me makes it a little bit more impressive because when you have a three person race team, it's not like you're not getting into like pro racing where like one guy's going to let the other guy win and let the guy.
00:54:12:32 - 00:54:27:55
But if this guy knows a little bit and this guy knows a little bit, you know, got the minds of three people if you have tests of three cars. Oh, we tested that on this car that worked was you need to do it to the other two cars, whereas you do. And everything on one car. Well, actually it's back up just a little bit.
00:54:27:55 - 00:54:45:12
At this point. You got rid of the trooper. I mean, we totally skipped over when the Joker was born. I mean, you know, you're known, you know, that's like it's kind of like your nickname in the car's nickname, right? Kind of like, I mean, it's the car, but, like, people call you the Joker two. Yeah. You know, so that's all I did.
00:54:45:12 - 00:55:03:52
At least because I'm an ass on jokers and a kind of an asshole. So? So it works out fine. Where did that car come into the fray? That was the second championship year. We switched cars in the middle of the year. Now, I think I kind of remember. Was there something wrong with the trooper? Yeah. Cracked. we broke the fourth boxes.
00:55:04:15 - 00:55:22:01
That's right. I got out of the car. I closed the door and I hear, hey, I'm like, what the hell's that noise? The car settling in the back track. And we had reinforced them already. But ten years of, you know, wheelies on be of good rejoicing and. Hell, yeah. So in the middle of the year, we had this white car laying around that about from Robbie the Joker.
00:55:22:04 - 00:55:40:46
Yeah. And we had that one just laying there on the ground and like, man, this car looks pretty good. I just thought that just because. Because he was on a junket, because it was available, he was going to junket. Right. You know, and I'm like, I bought 4000 bucks. Oh, why? I think I had a serious case of it was the bars and it was a drag radio car before.
00:55:40:48 - 00:55:55:48
Yeah, well, he ran it. He won a couple of races in drag radio. Okay. And, I knew the guy who put the Cajun, and I forgot the name of the guy who bought it. Now, which was the original owner went to high school with that car. Oh, wow. And, in Georgia, he those pro mods. I forgot the I'm sorry, I forgot your name.
00:55:55:48 - 00:56:12:05
I'm sorry. but so I bought it for a thousand bucks using junk it. Oh I hate this car. You know, trunk boxes look pretty good. Let's just swap. Middle of the year. We swap everything over. And that next race was Michigan. That's when Tom Bates goes under the car and says, yeah, tunnel's cut. I'm like, how do you know?
00:56:12:07 - 00:56:30:45
Yeah, yeah, yeah. So what made you, you know, I would guess most people that know you at all know what the car look like. I had the diamond wrap pattern on it. Kind of look like a little bit. Well, why don't you tell me how you got to that point? Okay. When at first it was a white hatchback, and I.
00:56:30:55 - 00:56:47:13
And the trooper car was black. All right, so I took the nose off this and the rear bumper off the trooper car. The doors that were light, and the trooper. So it was a cow. All right. So it was black and white, and I like it could be like a California State Police car, but it's not really. So then I go, I want something different.
00:56:47:13 - 00:57:04:30
So we ran out that year, won the championship. And then in the off season, that's when I switched over to coyote stock and all that. I still running factory stock. I'm sorry. And I want something different. And this is don't get mad everybody. The ZL1 Camaro pulls out on the TV commercial. They're pulling it out of the trailer.
00:57:04:31 - 00:57:23:02
And there's the wrap. There's a diamond wrap because it's like, the the the hidden thing, the camouflage kind of. Yeah. That they use when they're testing cars like OEMs and stuff. Right. It was funny because one guy when I did, I don't know, you know, that's what people do to hide the camouflaged body. I go, yeah, because nobody knows what a fox body looks like, right?
00:57:23:06 - 00:57:41:31
You know, like, yeah, look at me. I, I extended it by three inches because I'm turning it off with a diamond wrap. I'm like, dude, it's a fox body. So I saw that the old one, I was like, oh shit, I want that so bad. So I called my sticker guy up. I go, dude, Google this Google deal 2012 zero Z11 zero one whatever, Camaro.
00:57:41:36 - 00:58:09:09
And he's like, yeah, we could do that. I was like, and that's it. And I'm stuck with it. But you know, to me, you know, I think when you at the time maybe even myself, I was probably like, what the fuck? You got that wrap on the car. But just like a lot of things that turn out to be really good, you don't get it at first, but then over time, it's like, you know, that car became famous partly because it was so unique looking.
00:58:09:09 - 00:58:35:37
Right? You know, I was like, wow, you know, and obviously combined with your personality and doing good at races, it was just it was like the perfect recipe to make a car. That's like going to be known for a long time. Yeah. You know, so it's funny because, you mentioned that we were at Cecil testing once for World Cup and I, when I, when I went out and I pulled a 950 or something in testing and I pulled back in and the tech guys like, you know, one doing that I got to do, I got a license, I got I, I just didn't have time for the net.
00:58:35:42 - 00:58:50:45
No, you got to run that fast. I got so I slowed it down a couple of, you know, just slow it down. So I slowed it down. Then the last pass, I went crazy again. And I see him chasing on the pitch. And I'm like, how hard is it to find a checkered Mustang? This if it was a black I, he'd never find me.
00:58:51:00 - 00:59:11:55
Right. Because it's 50 of them here. So who's that guy? That right? 952 the black eye looks like, oh, there's an asshole with the checkered car. That's him. Get them, get them boys! And I'm like, that's a stupid paint job. Yeah, it's. I was on the street race a couple of years ago, too. They were setting up a street race, and then I thought about it down in South Jersey, because it's a really good street down there for street race, and it's better than the track.
00:59:12:00 - 00:59:29:04
So it's this wide, right. And I thought about it like, make something retarded. I go, there'll be a thousand YouTube videos, all the calls for real street racing. It's a black, it's checkered Mustang. There's not another one like it. I'm like, no, I'm too old for this shit. Right, right. So I'm like, it's a it's a great paint job.
00:59:29:09 - 00:59:44:45
The best thing about the paint job is what I realized after I did it. Adults don't get it. Kids love it. Yeah. And I was that kid once. So every kid wants to sit in the car. They love it. Oh, it's like a toy, right? And I'm like, you know what? Fuck the adults. Yeah. I love it now.
00:59:44:54 - 01:00:06:20
Right? Right. It grows on you. Yeah. The best part about driving it, you don't see it. So, obviously, you know, even though you had a huge history before that, you got a a lot of knowledge, on coyotes and that she aspirated coyotes. And, so when you got into coyote stock, that was a Gen one. Yes.
01:00:06:25 - 01:00:30:00
And then what? So have you had all three generations? Yeah. Yeah. Yep. And coyote suck or no. Did you do the job? County suck, I think. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, that's probably why you bought it. That's the one. That's the one I won with. Yeah yeah yeah that's. Yeah. Yeah. That's that's probably the case. So, what what's your opinion of all the different generations just, you know, slight improvements.
01:00:30:03 - 01:00:49:03
Like if you were going to start today. A lot of people ask me this all the time, like which generation Mustang do you like the best? And to me, they're all, you know, Stockton. Yeah. When we're talking naturally aspirated racing, it's way different than power, right. Because it's a power outer gen one stock is not going to work, right.
01:00:49:08 - 01:01:17:18
It can only make seven 800 horsepower with it max. And it's going to throw a rod, which is the worst possible failure you can have. I the setup like that I did. Did you an a burnout Brady said well there you go. So even naturally aspirated it does it does happen. So you know you can you like really pinpoint any one of those generations that you liked better or are they all about the same as far as it's tough because aside from coyote stock okay, stock, you're limited.
01:01:17:22 - 01:01:39:37
Yeah. What else do the outlaw stuff like World Cup and stuff like that get the car light. But the 200 can tune from these dyno tunes. you know, better fuel all that shit. I mean, though genuine with a 948, the Gen 251, the Gen three, that's a nine. Oh, but that's, you know. Right. Those circumstances beyond that, dude, I can't pick a better one.
01:01:39:37 - 01:01:57:52
Be honest with you. The Gen one lasted 500 and something passes. so that was pretty good. Nah. Yeah. So threw a rod in the semis. Right. So, like, a son of a bitch can wait. What more? We're looking around, but, I can't say that the one's better than the other. Yeah, I mean, I no, you're wrong, I'm wrong, I'm wrong.
01:01:57:57 - 01:02:19:46
I'm going to say the gentry's probably better because of the RPM range. Yeah. You know, because I remember where I am right there. IA5 hundred gear and the Gen one a World Cup. And I think you were you were helping me tune it. And I think about a 1000ft. The thing was at 80, 200 just went, yeah, I did not like that RPM.
01:02:19:51 - 01:02:44:00
It was stuck at 8100. Just rev just went right through the traps at 8100 I want to get to World Cup. But before we get to World Cup, I want to wrap up the coyote stock conversation. Is there any one thing like for instance, clutch because you can't touch the engine. There's got to be, you know, something that's making the cars different, right?
01:02:44:00 - 01:02:59:55
Because you're going to have cars that are at the top of the pack. You have cars at the middle of the pack, and you got the new guys that are like my car is broken, right? Like they don't know all the little tricks yet. They don't have the right guy helping out all that stuff. So in general, what do you think is the biggest?
01:03:00:00 - 01:03:27:38
It's a I know it's a combination of a lot of little things, but if you had to really put your finger on any one thing, is it the clutch or suspension or what do you think is really the key to a class like that? It's it's more it's more than that. It's it's clutch and suspension and the tamer and a driver and somebody who can read the data because you got to know you could, you could have data like I my car, all I had was RPMs and driveshaft.
01:03:27:43 - 01:03:44:03
That's it. I didn't want anything else. Yeah I got I had like two, two channel tech. Right. Where do you catch the race pack? I look, I got 65 things you have to read. I don't care about any of that. Right. I want to know how much slip I had. Yeah. And I think the clutch is a main one of the, probably one of the biggest parts about it.
01:03:44:07 - 01:03:59:25
And back then, I believe you were running a clutch that really wasn't the most popular deal. Oh it was it became the most popular clutch in coyote stock after you, though. Or while I was there. While you were there, I was there, okay? Not because you were running it or just everybody was running it. I was running good.
01:03:59:25 - 01:04:14:18
Yeah. And what was that? The for Danza. Danza v2. Yeah. But unfortunately everybody wanted a free clutch. So then said you know what we're done clutches. Well I don't anymore. Right. Because we're not making money. We're giving you like guys all these clutches. Yeah. They were the number one clutch and coyote stuff but they weren't really great clutches.
01:04:14:18 - 01:04:30:09
Dude I would I would get 50 passes out of that thing. Yeah. And if you set it up, just right, you get the nice little slip in the chip thing, you know, and then when you beat it, I slipped it. That's that, that truck, that clutch down the track, the whole pass where the graph was straight. Yeah. And it came back to life 20 minutes later.
01:04:30:09 - 01:04:48:53
So how much went into a car like that? Like reading track conditions and making adjustments? Or was it like because of the 28 inch tire and the slipper, there wasn't a slipper clutch? For those people that don't know, why don't you explain what the, All right. What do you call it again? The clutch tamer. Clutch tamer? Yeah.
01:04:48:54 - 01:05:09:11
What what is what is that? okay, a screen door. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Every house has a screen door. You have the main door on the screen door, you know, you open it and then it comes back. It goes. Yeah. And then it goes. Then it closes. Yeah. That little piston, some genius guy put a trim brackets on it with some knobs and you put it on your clutch pedal.
01:05:09:16 - 01:05:26:29
So what you do is you let go of the clutch, it hits, then it goes and it raises up. So it's slipping your clutch for you. Right. Well you know some guys like I do that myself. My left foot. Great. Well power to you hero. You know. But I got other things to worry about. I got to shift this thing real quick with a three 31st gear.
01:05:26:42 - 01:05:47:38
Yeah. So that's what that does. And it's it's just a great tool. So but once you had that set up like say you were at Maple Grove, for example, and you've got that set, you go to a new track. Are you messing with the clutch chamber or was it mostly but very little, very little, very little. Because like I said, you can adjust the the speed.
01:05:47:38 - 01:06:01:34
Yeah. That it grabs the clutch. So that's the only thing I would adjust. It was the track was not as good. You obviously give it a little more slip. Gotcha. You know. But the way I would do it is I would just go quarter turns because I couldn't see the knob. I had it hidden under the dashboard. So I do the burnout.
01:06:01:46 - 01:06:20:08
At first that wasn't legal, right? I mean, it was like, wasn't that one of the gray areas that was, see that that, you know, that goes back to our earlier conversation. I believe it was not illegal. No, it was just not addressed right then. I believe it kind of became controversial and they decided to make it specifically legal.
01:06:20:08 - 01:06:41:19
Then they write it into the rules that it was, you know, they addressed it in the rules, like, yeah, you know, where they were to clarify that it was allowed. It makes you a lot better racing, though. Yeah. So, you know, there's a guy out right now that's doing a bunch of stick shift racing. I think his name is Garrett Leach, and he's got a new product out that's very similar to that.
01:06:41:40 - 01:06:58:39
but it's got some silly noise involved. And I think what it does is it disables it after while. So how did that work for you guys? It didn't. It was there the whole time. And you just tap in the clutch. That was with a Tremec. It was harder, okay. Because you had to use the clutch sometimes. Right?
01:06:58:44 - 01:07:17:29
It's so. But if you have to find the sweet spot between like I said, you had to set a zero for the burnout, right? And then the burnout. If you watch a certain red car from Pennsylvania that takes about 20 minutes to, stage. Yeah, he's down there adjusting his tamer. Right. Which is fine, because I could do it on the fly.
01:07:17:29 - 01:07:34:54
I really just I just got quarter quarter to quarter quarter six times. Right. And then, you know, I know it's but it is. So this new deal basically takes that extra little like tough part because it's basically just a solenoid. I think it has a switch on it where you could just turn that one. Yeah. You know that one I think is illegal.
01:07:34:58 - 01:07:49:15
Oh really. Because I mean, first of all, when you don't do G 101, you don't need it. You don't need it. Yeah. Because you just using the clutch really pretty much off the first. That's it. You know what I mean. Yeah. So you don't need that one. That's one for street guys. Yeah. That kind of drives it into the track.
01:07:49:15 - 01:08:06:30
And he wants you know. Yeah there's a burnished clutch up. Yeah I mean I mean you could, you could do things without the tamer. But you have to get an organic clutch. And that's about every eight passes your switch this. Yeah. To be clear, the reason you need the tamer is, more advanced clutches that were adjustable weren't allowed.
01:08:06:39 - 01:08:24:04
Well, yeah, like I said, we have multiple. You have to run diaphragm clutches, right? Yeah. You know, these things got 2,600 pounds of base pressure. Yeah. People kind of don't necessarily understand that. I realize that because you got all these crazy six second street cars that have these super fancy clutches and, you know, I have a tamer. So.
01:08:24:07 - 01:08:45:14
Yeah. Yeah, I need it now. I don't need a $4,000 clutch. Yeah. And people think that, you know, in some it's a little bit of everything. You know, those cars are powerful as hell. But the big difference between when an eight seconds tick car was, like, insanely fast to now it's a six second street car. It's mostly clutch technology and electronics in general.
01:08:45:14 - 01:08:58:49
Just trying to those cars because, I mean, they jumped a whole second when they figured out how to shift it without the clutch. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, exactly. Whenever they call it I've got it's a name for it used to be a white box. Yeah. No, it's got another fancier name on it. But you know, you hear them now.
01:08:58:49 - 01:09:15:37
But before you see used to see this, they have, what's, I don't know if this or you're talking about. They have a strain gauge that's in the shifter handle, which basically knows when the shift handles bending a minute amount when you put pressure on, and then it shuts off the right ignition. Right. So then picked up a whole second with that.
01:09:15:37 - 01:09:34:57
Yeah. Almost a full second edits helps the trans. Sure. It unloads everything. Or you know instead of the transition it makes for better racing. They're all running sixes. Yeah. You know we finally you know some like in the sevens and even those most of the time most of those guys make it down the track. I mean not quite as often as a coyote shock car, but they're still usually getting down the track.
01:09:35:51 - 01:10:04:21
so, you know, now you've won two races at, in coyote stock that year. at what point did you start, you know, even though all those are great accomplishments, I think one of your biggest accomplishments is winning all motor, import versus domestic World Cup, whatever you'd like to call it. because to me, you know, memory is awesome, but it's very focused.
01:10:04:21 - 01:10:26:29
It's all Mustangs. or Fords, at least. And then now you're out there racing any possible vehicle on the planet. There's all kinds of mixed rules. So, you know, you get back to things being tough. as far as not, you know, you could very possibly be at a rules disadvantage. Coyote stock. You're not operating at a rules disadvantage because they all have the same rules.
01:10:26:43 - 01:10:46:55
Whereas now, you know, one year, for instance, the has got the nitro mix, which totally screwed us. but that was before that, right? You know, you started racing, woke up. What made you decide to go to that race? You know, when you did, you go to that, there was crossover, right? You were doing an MRA and broke up some time.
01:10:46:55 - 01:11:03:14
Well, it's about the the World Cup is in November. Right. So the season's over. Like soon as the the Bowling Green race will come around the next day, I'm stripping the car. Right. Because the rules were basically became like the outlaw race for animal. Right guys to get to. Right. Whether it's factory stock car or a car. Right, right, right.
01:11:03:14 - 01:11:19:23
Because the rules were so I mean, here we have stock Mustangs against like, you know, Teddy Weaver with a built motor. Right. You know, I'm not to his credit. That thing's badass. The Hondas too. They were built motors. And here we have the stock coyotes coming in. So it was kind of like, well, light them up to come out.
01:11:19:28 - 01:11:37:40
But any fuel you want and whether where the Hondas have a fuel rule, it was just fun because the way World Cup works, a lot of their classes is like they have crossover rule, crossover rules. If you're a coyote stock car, you have specific rules, right? You come in with a coyote that you built. You can still race, but very different rules.
01:11:37:40 - 01:11:57:12
Right? So you I think every time you raced that World Cup it was under coyote stock rules. Well, I was racing for way years before that. I did the pushrod, car a couple of times and. Oh. Did you. Okay. Then I had a supercharged little alikes that I did brackets with when they used to run brackets. You know, I didn't have a heads up car, so I was always in that.
01:11:57:23 - 01:12:14:18
I always like the old motor class. Yeah. You know, and the Joker, the first year on the job, it was a Corvette that just beat everybody. Right? You know, 427 Corvette, you know, built motor. Nobody. He went through the whole MRA field. But it was a fun race. It's just a it's a five day race, right. You know.
01:12:14:18 - 01:12:32:31
And it's a great facility. It's just awesome too when you pull out and there's like literally 30,000 people in the stands. You know, that's one of the things I still haven't checked off is race. In that race for myself. I've been there with you before that I went there with Gifford Weaver and his, I remember that car and all motor that was back before you had to pre-qualify for that race.
01:12:32:31 - 01:12:56:20
Yeah, and there was 86 cars. Oh, no. What a fucking nightmare. when I had the supercharged little relaxed, those running brackets that I was in my motor home at, like 1215 at night, snuggled it, bracket two to the legs like I. You just shit me and by, like, get dressed like the late degrees out of the freezer, I could see out the window, like, these guys are nuts.
01:12:57:21 - 01:13:16:46
so, you've won one? Yeah, I won in 16. I won the race, I qualified, I think, third or fourth. Yeah, I, I rode 29, 30 car field. Yeah. Which is really good because I was really happy with that. Yeah, but you've also runner up in that class the year after I won, I ran faster, I got treed.
01:13:16:55 - 01:13:31:15
Yeah. I wasn't gonna bring that up. And I said, no, that's the truth. I was of the whole internet thing of like Alice versus coyote. The other guys were like, yeah, but we won. He's like, yeah, but he was faster. He just sucks driving. Yeah. Like I have all those results up from all the years. And I was going through them.
01:13:31:15 - 01:13:46:31
They're kind of refresh my memory and looking through it I'm I call runner up and I looked at an old 140. I was like, ouch. It was one of the morning I that was right behind Haley James when she got to the hole. Should fit with, with, the burndown. Oh yeah, I remember that's like 20 minutes.
01:13:46:31 - 01:14:02:42
Then she gets like a 50 point K turn that that was her fault, right? Right. There's one in the morning. I was time old. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I was tired I the light sucked and no excuses was sucked. Because, you know, at that race, it's such a huge race that runner up would be like, oh my God, I did great.
01:14:02:54 - 01:14:26:01
But I wanted the year before, right. Exactly. So I was like, oh, bummer. Yeah, it's a little letdown. I suck. And then, you know, from there, you know, you kept pushing the car whether it was at World Cup or not. And you, you know, let's back up a little bit. You were the first coyote and a, like what was it, 980, I know, and and like everything else, pretty much every.
01:14:26:06 - 01:14:47:20
I skipped nine 60s. I never went 960. Yeah. And then you still currently hold the record, right? Yeah. Yeah, at a nine. Oh, yeah. so that leads us into well, let's talk about, how we got to that nine. No, we want to talk about that. Sure. Yeah. you know, I think that stuff is a little bit more, talked about now.
01:14:47:20 - 01:15:07:28
So we can talk about it. Sure. So, you know, a lot of what a lot of people don't understand out there and why there's fuel rules in most of racing is because there's, lots of fuel out there that could give you an advantage. So, you know, up until that point, we were running mostly five. No. Or miss 109.
01:15:07:35 - 01:15:25:33
We went from we did 1 to 9 for us. Yep. They went to 85. Yeah. And a lot of that had to do with, you know, fuel system limitations. Also why we pick certain fuels. And five would have been a better choice in some of these spots. But we didn't have enough fuel system. And at that time I personally wasn't messing as much with M5.
01:15:25:42 - 01:15:49:19
If I had been, I probably would have mailed you a fuel pump and we'll for that race. But, you know, hindsight's 2020. so I was like, yeah, we don't need the M5, but, you know, you do need the M5. But there's another level above that. So how did how did we get to that point? I have my own story, but I want to hear just from the Honda guys, the Honda guy just telling me, hey, man, you got to, you know, you got to up your fuel game.
01:15:49:31 - 01:16:07:22
Yeah, but how we they kicked our ass. Well, yeah. That, you know, one eight, they were high eight. Yeah. My memory of it was, you know, and that was you know, sometimes I was remote tuning for you. But that year I was there, with at the race with you. And it was like, you know, some more blown up every other pass.
01:16:07:22 - 01:16:26:07
But they bought 20 motors, but but they were running like high eights. Yeah. And then I remember we're getting, you know, you did okay that year. But they were we were outgunned because of the nitro. But we were getting, you know, like we were made it a few rounds and we're in the lanes and, there was a guy and the guy was like, really happy to see you.
01:16:26:07 - 01:16:48:52
He knew he were. And he he only spoke, Spanish, I believe, because I couldn't talk to him. But I think I remember I was like, go, go, go ask him if you did. You did find out exactly what they're using, how they do it, you know, all those sorts of things. Yeah, I remember that. Yeah, yeah. So, you know, what we're talking about is nitro methane, you know, and people are doing that a lot more.
01:16:48:52 - 01:17:09:18
I was just telling you on the way here that, you know, we've got bones. I mean, I guess your engine was stock, too, but, you know, street cars, like, 100% like. Right. You know, legit 20, 20 Mustang guy, but Nitro, this stock fuel tank. So it's it's gotten pretty crazy. And you can pick up, you know, some pretty huge gains there.
01:17:09:28 - 01:17:30:52
So now you're at the Nitro and we're using a nitro mix. Right. And your car is pretty light, but, you know, there's other people that have gotten cars that light. So now let's fast forward to, you know, the current day, you know, you've decided you really just want to go all out, like hold the overall your fastest coyote.
01:17:30:52 - 01:17:52:18
Anything all motor doesn't matter which version of what you know anything. So or where are we at today? Like what's your newest project that you're getting ready to debut? All right. About let's say three years ago, I wanted, I saw Mike Washington. He ran an 840 with his coyote, and I was like, that's that's that's that's badass.
01:17:52:22 - 01:18:08:20
You know, props to him. That's badass. And I've always been an NRA guy. because I go, well, I can build a Whipple car, run sevens, but I'm like, everybody's doing that. Nothing. No take away from them. That's that's impressive. I didn't want to go sevens. I'm going to run sevens. So I go, you know what? Better change your mind.
01:18:08:20 - 01:18:29:45
Because I know doing that I know I got I don't know. Yeah I came around so I, you know, I'm like, you know, I want to build a really bad ass and a coyote. That what would happen if somebody would build it just so all out, no rules and a coyote. So I reached out to Chris Smith, my pushrod builder, because he, you know, he builds formula One cars.
01:18:29:45 - 01:18:49:13
He builds Indy cars. you know, so I was like, hey, Chris, how do you feel? You know, anybody has a badass coyote? And he goes, yeah, I know a guy. I go, okay, you want to give it a shot? He's what are the rules? So no rules, really? Yeah. So that must get them excited every. Yeah yeah yeah.
01:18:49:13 - 01:19:10:21
And he said because every year everything he built me with a factory stock cars roll. Well you got this spring. You got this valve. You know this chamber on the on the cylinder head. You know this flat piston. So I was like, no, no rules. All balls out. And he's like, okay, cool. This is three years ago. I was still, you know, running the Joker and we still got the Joker.
01:19:10:21 - 01:19:28:06
And yeah, I'm still doing coyote stock and I'm still in the World Cup and the import stuff and all that stuff. So as he's building it, I mean, he got some great companies to jump on board. When he told him what he was doing, he got Carillo. Molly, how fabrication runs, total seal like he showed me the email.
01:19:28:08 - 01:19:45:57
He's like, I sent it to Carillo because he was building cars for the for the for the business and then like, oh, this is a, you know, customer car. He's like, actually, it's a personal project of mine. Like, oh, you put a sticker on the card is so cool. You know, I got more involved. Just a bunch of companies that wanted a part of this, right?
01:19:46:12 - 01:20:03:09
So as he's building it, he's telling me, you know, we're not putting this motor in the Joker, right? I go, why? He goes, yeah, car sucks because you need a better car. There's two. There's going to be too much power for that chassis. And he's right. That thing was all zip tied together. And it was old already, you know?
01:20:03:09 - 01:20:20:16
Right. So for a year and a half, I was looking for a car and all you find was like, oh, three quarter done project. And then next week the chassis guys, which gave me really good deals with like, well, it's gonna take 18 months to redo your whole car over and I'll go, I don't chassis guy 18 months means two years.
01:20:20:18 - 01:20:39:59
Right. So I just started looking and I'm like, you know what? I'll cross that bridge when, when we get to it and, he finished the motor. He did the motor took, you know. Right. Took a while. It took a while because he's like, I'm not going to finish it till you get a car. Yeah, well, this is a good, spot to make a little bit of a tangent.
01:20:39:59 - 01:20:59:24
And what happened to the Joker? I obviously weren't planning on using that car, but then you got to the point of I have to. Yeah, I got to buy a car. Have to buy another. Right. So we went to that no Prep Kings and, and Maple Grove and I think it was in May of 19 or 20 maybe, I don't remember what year was a year and a half ago, two years ago, maybe 21, I don't know.
01:20:59:29 - 01:21:19:01
So we got to no Prep Kings. It's raining all day and I'm like, well, it's small tire. Now we get to the lanes. Pretty much of the only any guy, I'm the only stick guy, you know, all these other cars are twin turbo LS is 500 cubic inch, you know, whatever. All right. So I'm like, what made you decide to go that route?
01:21:19:03 - 01:21:37:42
It was made the Grove just for those. You were like, I'm Mike Morello. I know he was going to be there. And I'm like, oh, sure, we'll go hang out. I'll race my car because he hates my car. He hates the paint job right in front of. It's just to piss him off. So we go and, you know, it rained all morning and I was like, I really didn't feel like racing.
01:21:37:42 - 01:21:56:13
I was like, man, I really feel like going home. But it's 2.5 hours away. I'm here. So thank God my whole crew showed up. Mike Wilson, his son, I mean, Mike, John. That's a sign that Joey, Marco, my whole crew showed up, which was good. So that, funny, quick, quick, funny story. Every third car was crashing. We were in the lanes.
01:21:56:18 - 01:22:13:21
Every third cars. Crashing was not funny. No. You know, I'm like. So I walk the track. I'm like, man, this shit really sucks. This is no press. This is where I messed up. But it was all in, you know, for a reason. So one of the producers or somebody comes up with a clipboard with his headphones and I go, dude, don't worry about my car.
01:22:13:21 - 01:22:33:55
I only got 400 horsepower, right? I'll be out of here in five, six seconds. That's all. Thank you. Thank you. so this is where I messed up. Was, thinking I was street racer my whole life. I know how to street race, but I forgot, because I've been doing track for 20 years, but. And I'm out of track, so my brain is thinking.
01:22:33:55 - 01:22:49:24
You're to track launch in a 6000. Like you do it like you do everywhere else, right? And I mean, I have to get the car was spinning. I had a new tire. I never ran before. I had a new clutch. I never ran before. And it was just speeding the whole way down the track. and, third gear.
01:22:49:24 - 01:23:03:42
I'm like, it's going through the middle. I should lift or should I shift at shift like an idiot? So I did have a mirror in the car. I didn't know where the other car was. Right. And it launch hit the wall, went up in the air, landed. I watched it, like, took a right turn on you.
01:23:03:46 - 01:23:23:15
It just turned right. Yeah. It's funny. It a demo later. Turn right, I said to myself. So this is what it feels like to crash. Yeah, because I saw your crash footage. But I've got a lot of experience there. Yeah, you must have had the same thought or like, Shit. Yeah. I mean, when I crashed my GT 500 last March, that was the scariest one because I was able to.
01:23:23:18 - 01:23:40:22
I lost control, but was not. I didn't hit the wall instantly. I was out of control, thinking I had a lot of time to think, like, I'm fucked. I'm fucked, you know? Oh, no. At one point I got it, I got it, and then all of a sudden, boom, I'm straight at the wall and I'm like, here it is.
01:23:40:33 - 01:23:55:50
You know, you just right before you hit the wall, you know, you're going to hit the wall and you just get this like almost like a calmness over you because you're just like, I was the opposite. Didn't really see I but I was I hit the wall the second time. I was like, am I going to die here?
01:23:55:55 - 01:24:14:28
So I, I guess I guess I call maybe I'm sadistic. I didn't think I was going to die, but I wasn't like, you weren't excited about it. I was just like, I was good, you know, I, that's a that's a cross. Like when I saw your crash, dude, I thought I was like, airbags in my car.
01:24:14:33 - 01:24:33:58
Airbags saved my life because I was an idiot. Yeah, I had neck protection on even though I had. I was sitting in the passenger seat. Yeah. And, yeah, the airbag saved my life. I think I was like, man, I wish I had airbags in my car. Airbags. And then in a in a fox body. so, you know, you crash the car, so I crash the car, went to the hospital, I broke four vertebrae.
01:24:34:22 - 01:24:48:04
I went into A-Fib because a helmet hit. I didn't have my seatbelt on very tight. Yeah. Thank God I did have only a smile. Yeah. How fast can I be? Oh, I just put the seatbelt on. Don't worry about it right there. God, I put on that Colorado, so that hit my chest pretty hard. So I went into A-Fib.
01:24:48:09 - 01:25:04:49
Long story short, they found cancer when they did my X-ray, they're like, well, you got four broken vertebrae. And meanwhile my family had come up from North Carolina. So my sister, oh God bless her, I love her to death. And she's right. She's like, that's it. 30 years. We're done with this. You know, you can do this every time you go to the track.
01:25:04:49 - 01:25:20:26
I'm nervous and I'm like, you know what? You're right. I'm done. I'm done. I do remember that. It was a sad day. Yeah. When you said that to me, it was kind of like, you know what? She's right. Yeah. She's right. I mean, besides not being in pain in the hospital, you know, I got my family worrying about me.
01:25:20:31 - 01:25:36:01
And now let's say, you know, I had a good run and you kind of glossed over the cancer part. Well, yeah, well, that's the thing. The next day, that's what I decided. I'm ahead. I'm like, I'm going to sell Chris's motor. Right, Chris? Man, you know, a lawn mower land power product. I'm going to sell that motor. And the car.
01:25:36:01 - 01:25:49:58
I'll see what I do. I don't care about the car. I don't have a car. I don't have a motor. Doctor walks in and he's like, you know, he got all that broken shit. But you guys, I'm going to a kidney. We got to take it out. I said, take it out. What's the delay? They took it out and it's like that accident.
01:25:49:58 - 01:26:06:10
Save your life, son. You have stage to be cancer. Yeah. You had no symptoms, right? I mean, I don't know what symptom you would have for. I don't know, and I'm just exhausted. I'm always tired. Yeah. Is it sleepy? I'm always sleepy. Right. You know, so it's like there's that part of it. Just as being almost 60 years old and working 13 hours a day.
01:26:06:12 - 01:26:21:13
Right. So. So he's like, the accident saved your life. So I looked at my family. I'm like, I got some stories and that's all I got. I can't stop racing now. It's saved my life. And I told my God, I gotta build a faster car to do a full body scan next time. When I crashed, they didn't like that.
01:26:21:18 - 01:26:40:21
But, so. Yeah. And then the the ten days in the hospital, that's a Pennsylvanians 2.5 hours. So we had to go. You know, my family brings me home now I'm still thinking I go, okay, great, I might race again, but I still don't have a car to know. Like I get on Facebook first thing I do when I get home, I get on Facebook, open it up.
01:26:40:26 - 01:26:56:58
First thing that pops up is Frank Hoffman's Alex. I'm like, no way for sale. Like, this was, ten five, and a five star. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So you had a lesson and then you had a 347 four and that. but I know the car. The car is a work of art. Yeah, like. And what would you race with that?
01:26:56:58 - 01:27:11:37
Like MCA all motor. And then the Michigan had their own a ten five deal. You know I know you ran and NFC. Yeah yeah I ran in Michigan one too probably probably yeah he's one of those Michigan fags.
01:27:11:42 - 01:27:25:31
So I open it up dude. And there's that car right there I don't like. No way. No is the first. There's the first thing I see when I get out of the hospital. Yeah. I go, let me text. Maybe it's an old ad, an old post. Hey, Frank, you know, you got the car for sale. He's like, I do.
01:27:25:31 - 01:27:39:34
I want you to have it and I'll deliver it to Jersey for you. I'm like, that's it, I'm done. So the next text was to my engine builder. Hey, Chris, you said you weren't going to finish the motor. Here's the car. Yeah. 750 started like car sick. Holy shit. I got to finish the motor. So we're back in business.
01:27:39:34 - 01:27:57:42
I took me five months to my family. I bought a car. I remember when you called me about that because, you know, obviously I was happy that you were okay. And, you know, the cancer thing worked out. but, you know, I was a little. It sucked because, you know, we've been working together forever, and and at that point, you're telling me you're not racing anymore.
01:27:57:46 - 01:28:15:07
And then I remember you calling me like, I got some news. I got on Facebook, and there was a car for sale, so I got hired. I was like, whatever. It's getting delivered. Chicken delivered, like, it's just, you know, it's it's destiny. So, I just get it that way. I at that point, I said, God wants me to race.
01:28:15:12 - 01:28:35:31
Yeah, yeah. So I got it. I can't let down God, you know that's wrong. Yeah, you do that. You're letting your, you know, you're raising up Satan, you know, and it's still a few years ago, right? Oh yeah. Yeah, yeah. So now fast forward to today. The car. Yeah. The engine's done. It's together. You're you're finishing it up right now.
01:28:35:31 - 01:28:54:03
Yeah. And it's absolutely awesome what transmission is in that thing. It's a GeForce GF 2000 classless V8 five speed. Right. So it's a Pro Stock track. So basically a Pro Stock trans and I don't know what V8 is. If you ever seen a Pro Stock it just fired back. Yeah 12345. Yeah. So it's not an H pattern but it's still a manual.
01:28:54:03 - 01:29:11:52
It is a clutch of trans. Right. but you know you're not making any bones about it. You're not trying to pretend that it's some street car, especially with the hood you're putting on it. I'm going to give you shit about that. I like it, actually. I think, you know, because you work so it's functional and it matches the rest of the car.
01:29:11:52 - 01:29:26:18
It matches the trans, you know, the whole right project is like if you had like a H pattern and you had that hood on it, I'd be like, yeah, this isn't work. But, you know, it's a race car, right? It's a race car. I mean, theoretically, you could probably take it to McDonald's to prove a point on line.
01:29:26:24 - 01:29:44:24
No, no, no to that. Put pump gas in the two days ago to redo the idle tune. Yep. I did my engine builder I a 30 paragraph text. The timing's out here. We did this. We did that. All he wrote back was in giant letters. Pump gas. Got that shit out of my engine. Put pump gas in that again.
01:29:44:24 - 01:30:05:33
I go just for idle use. I don't give a shit. I was like, okay, no, not a street card on the street. Can't take that shit out right away. Put some real gas. And that has, Holley on it has a Holley EFI Dominator. Nice, nice. The big screen. The big giant old blind guy screen on it. and, and right now you're just running it, you know, the engine tune was like, what, on cue 16?
01:30:05:38 - 01:30:27:48
Yes, yes. Micro Joe and, on a MXGp he has the engine dyno. So my engine built into the dyno, it was just like, just happy to get that thing out of the shop. Just get this thing out of here. So and I thought, well, one of the interesting things and Mike's part of it, so I want to make sure you hit on that is, you know, you went after you got it from him, you went through a couple early, fairly quick changes.
01:30:28:08 - 01:30:49:21
mostly with intake manifold. Right. Well, yeah. Yeah, it was my idea, basically the first intake that Chris made and, the guys over at the shop, Jonathan from cloud. Sorry. And so too many people, they made a six throttle body. Yep. Sheet metal intake with long runners on it, but the injectors were on top, so that was my idea.
01:30:49:21 - 01:31:06:54
I go, you know what? The injectors and the runners. Kind of like there's an obstruction. So we put them on top, like formula one caster push, like, yeah, we could do that. So he made it made a great. The only problem is with the Holley and I guess I don't know, you know, more about this stuff that I do is when you turn the key on, it kind of floods the intake with gas.
01:31:06:55 - 01:31:25:10
Yeah. Unless you have 16 injectors, which then you could just shut off eight and get that. So by the third pole before we even got a pole, honest with you, we were just like warming it up and getting it running. The intake exploded on the diner because you had, fuel poured in the intake. Yeah, I, we took the fire off the restore fuel, pulled in the intake.
01:31:25:17 - 01:31:44:31
Yeah. So we're like, okay, that's not going to work. So then Mike did a couple of intakes using still the bottom one. He got the Holley high Ram. We modified that one and that one picked up power because we got it. We did good. But then Mike took the original intake and put those. And then I found those two full throttle bodies that I had.
01:31:44:31 - 01:32:00:49
I knew I had them somewhere, but they were lost. I go, hey Mike, I got these. And that's what you said. It's like it looks like a carburetor, but it's a 4150 throttle body, which is like a dual fan to a dual quads. Right? Yeah, but it's fuel injection. But it looks like carburetor spray. And that picked up a shitload of power.
01:32:00:52 - 01:32:24:05
Yeah. So we were happy with the results. You know, we were very happy with the dyno results. And the rest has been on me. Just put the car together, which is. It sounds like it's getting pretty close now. Is there is it mostly going to be, like, a fun car or, like, is there actually some classes you can race that in you think have you really even considered it?
01:32:24:07 - 01:32:36:41
I have, I looked around, I mean, I built it just for fun, right? I built it just swap my dick like I did in the World Cup and 16, you know, I was going to come here and just play my dick and say, all of us, coyote. And, you know, I and I won the race, which is kind of okay, that's cool.
01:32:36:42 - 01:32:52:01
That's even better. So I just pulled it just for fun, just because I want to see what an all out and a coyote can do. Yeah. You know, no rules because, I mean, Mike, Mike did great with his, but he had rules, you know, kind of McMullen stories. He's got rules. You know, it's a bunch of guys built in.
01:32:52:01 - 01:33:08:51
Any coyotes out there right now, they're all coming out of the woodwork and hitting me up, and I'm like, oh, another one, another one. Cool, cool, cool. About our own class suit, you know? But, it could run Ultra Street, but no, no, those guys are running mid fours, right? Right. You know, we have this thing going the low five.
01:33:08:51 - 01:33:27:43
I'll be happy. I think one thing that would be cool, especially if we start experimenting with different fuels in it, once you get the car down the track is, maybe do some grudge racing with it, you know, you know, like, call out some, other Nar cars that are like. Oh, do. I thought about that. It should be right.
01:33:27:48 - 01:33:46:37
Like, you know, on paper, it's like like like a ten five outlook are right there, right there. I'm I'm hoping we can get it to those ETS, you know, where they want and expect you to write with a coyote. Right. So but in a grudge format. Right. You know, we'll be right. No, I thought about this I prepped yeah.
01:33:46:37 - 01:34:03:21
No. Yeah. No, no streets though. Yeah. I don't want to run 30 inch front struts. And, you know, I just, clutch less on no prep. I just, I imagine mentally I would probably be able to do it right. I just don't want it. Yeah. You know, I'm too old for that shit. I'm too old to steer car on the track, you know, which is fine.
01:34:03:21 - 01:34:21:46
Don't get me wrong, younger guy. I mean it all bull over it. But that's a young man's sport. But, And now they made it legal for any NASCAR. Nah. Ten five. Now, that's a badass class. You know, the transmission's legal for that. You said. Oh, yeah. Oh, call. Oh, cars. Oh. What engine they allowed. Finally a modular in there because it.
01:34:21:46 - 01:34:42:09
We're allowed modulars one camper engine two vouch for cylinder. That's it. Gotcha. So Kevin McMullen petitioned. NASCAR for the the Coyotes and they said sure. Right. But they put too much weight on us. It's 2650. Yeah. Now I got a three 38 cubic inch motor. You know, you got guys that were 500 cubic inch motors, right?
01:34:42:18 - 01:34:57:03
And they're running high sevens. So, you know, they're like, oh, we'll just bring the car out. And you know once we see you can't compete we'll drop the weight on it. I go, yeah but that's an expensive motor beat the shit out of just to prove a point that I can't compete. Yeah. How about throwing me a bone, you know.
01:34:57:03 - 01:35:12:48
Right. But. Oh, but those guys. So those guys are big crybabies, though. Those guys are really bad. I thought that's what the other classes were bad. Those guys are really crybabies. Yeah. You know, but I was like, okay, whatever, you know, but I won't go. Yeah, I just wanna go have fun with the car. Right. And if I feel like going to one race, I'm going just hang out.
01:35:13:03 - 01:35:27:12
Yeah. You know, and race the car. But I'm not going to beat the shit out of it just to get my ass handed to me. But the whole grudge thing, that's because, you know, this whole big thing now is, you know, like Brett. Brett. What? He ran the all guys like. Oh, well, you know, we got this guy that runs this car.
01:35:27:12 - 01:35:45:37
Yeah, but he doesn't drive it 30 miles. Yeah. He doesn't he doesn't win sick week. He doesn't do shit with it. He's a race car. So I'm thinking about doing the same thing. we got something in the works with, Godzilla. Okay, me and Dan rents are going to probably match race each other with his knee. Godzilla against my any coyote?
01:35:45:43 - 01:36:07:10
Nice suit. Ford. The two top of the heap Ford motors I love I love those types of. You know, it's not even like I'm sick. It's not even related to a race. It's just like two cars, like, like you mentioned, Brett. I think the video just came out a couple of days ago. Cletus is building a whole new car, and I believe it's probably because of Brett.
01:36:07:17 - 01:36:26:52
Of course, you know, because the mullet doesn't isn't quite there. Now he's going around. I wish he wasn't going because he's cleanest. Yeah, the new car he's built like it's a chassis car. You know, like not starting with a it's not a Vin. It's probably not going to be a drag and drive car. It's like he's trying to go fives right with it.
01:36:26:52 - 01:36:51:57
And it's but it's at least going to be a Camaro, which is kind of cool. Right. Although it's 69 Camaro. Yeah. Yeah. So it's like at that point, another one. There's a lot of the I mean. Yeah. Exactly. So I was a little let down that he was doing it. If you're going to do a Camaro, I don't really necessarily like the new like the newer style Camaros, but it would just be a little cooler to see the new Camaro versus Brett in his car would switch and just like build that up.
01:36:51:57 - 01:37:07:17
But I guess at this point, you know, he's got the budget. He's like, I don't care what you think. I am building the baddest car I could possibly come up with. So it'll still be cool to see. But, you know, but the two cars, it's a race car. Yeah, exactly. You know what I mean? Like, this is not trying to hide it.
01:37:07:17 - 01:37:20:24
I mean, he said no, no, no, no, I said it right. It is like we're not starting with a car. Right. You know, I got this quarter panel here and a bunch of tube over there. And we're just going to put it together in his room. This Camaro. Yeah. You know about it being all steel. It's like, who cares?
01:37:20:24 - 01:37:49:10
That voice, you know, it's like it's not even a real car. But I still think it'll be cool to see. so, you know what kind of time we're going to see that car go down the track this year? Yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Well, right now I'm waiting for the suspension, so. Yeah. You said, Yancey and Ron Galbreath over at After Works, and this is, this should be getting my struts in a couple of days to redo them and tell me what I need as far as springs because of the alignment stuff off the Joker that got damaged.
01:37:49:10 - 01:38:07:24
Yeah. That's all that's. Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah. Nice. So hopefully by June it should be out. Yeah. Hopefully by June I'm hope I was hoping may wish your time in and around you know good weather and stuff. Exactly. Exactly. Just the perfect weather. Yeah. You know, but it's you know, I was like, oh, tell me what.
01:38:07:24 - 01:38:24:23
You got to go racing. I want to go watch the car. I go, no, the first three times are going to be a shit show. Yeah, exactly. No system leak. So, the suspension's wrong. clutch, clutch, clutch. Don't even remind me of that. Yeah, it's a fully adjustable dual seven inch, you know, like, I had literally 50 times.
01:38:24:23 - 01:38:45:16
I put that clutch on the car just to measure, make sure that I was on the money. Yeah. People don't understand how, much of a pain that could be. You know, I just I know a lot of people, you know, nowadays, I'm almost nobody's messing with clutch cars like outlaw style, right? Like, you know, six, five seconds stuff.
01:38:45:50 - 01:39:02:13
but I remember back in the day when I was first get into this, I had some people like the pro five days, and they were trying to do clutch clutches, and it's like they make one pass out of ten. Yeah, like it would even make a pass. Yeah. And nowadays, you know, everything's figured out for the most part.
01:39:02:13 - 01:39:25:39
You need this transmission with this torque converter and this set up and boom. And that's cool and all because obviously at the end of the day, just seeing new, barriers broken overall period. Not based on what it is. Just like, you know, street car. Yeah. You know, you could argue what a streetcar is, but, you know, people ask my opinion on that.
01:39:25:44 - 01:39:42:54
And, if I was going to evaluate Brett's car just sitting there looking at it, I would say I don't really think that's a street car, but how could I possibly say that when he drives at a thousand miles and wins over any other? Like, it's like he didn't even just win his class. He won the whole damn thing.
01:39:42:54 - 01:40:03:36
Oh, you're a pro mod. Yeah. You know, and, and and what was even funnier was, you know, a lot of people were like, well, you know, the pro mod had issues. It's like, okay, well, let's go look at their dyno videos. Right. The pro on that issue. Yeah. Well no. But like Jeff Lord's put down 3000 on the dyno and Brett put down 2950 or something.
01:40:03:36 - 01:40:19:20
I'm like they're making a they're not it's not even like oh well you know he's got the combo right. And he's like the underdog. It's a he's making the same power that big block is with 3 or 2 or whatever. Maybe it's a little bigger I don't know, I, I don't think it is. Yeah. How much you can't make it that big anymore.
01:40:19:21 - 01:40:46:44
No. Exactly. So, you know, the the where the street car game has reached is amazing. But at the same time, it almost makes stuff like what you're doing cooler, right? Because at a certain point, the fastest of the fast is so far out there. Right? And so ridiculous and almost deflates a lot of people. What's like you said before with the 24 Mustangs, right?
01:40:46:46 - 01:41:02:15
It's kind of going back to like when we used to turn on distributors and put like homemade cold air intakes. Yeah, that's the 24 Mustang that. Yeah. Kind of going backwards is the for the future, you know. So it's kind of more fun again because you have to figure out exactly what air pressure and what tire height and all that crap.
01:41:02:15 - 01:41:24:42
And then even like playing with like the wiffle cars, they're all like, oh, I'm running the E30, right? Because they can't tune for 85. They can't change fuel system. So I'm running E30, I'm running in half 103, 123, and I'm running this and I'm running that, and I'm running this pulley. And like that the tune is not set up for that pulley, but like, they don't have a choice.
01:41:24:46 - 01:41:45:01
They're just doing it. Yeah. a couple guys, a couple guys about nine 70s already with them, you know, and they're tuned by Whipple, but. Right. But not a no. Two at Whipple. I was very impressed with the one that I drove. It drove great. But, you know. Yeah, I, I, I wouldn't even send you down the track with an Na 970 car without looking at logs and changing something.
01:41:45:01 - 01:42:03:31
And they're out there with, like a stock engine with no warranty. Forget, you know, they're Ryan like, you know, I don't want to reveal too much, but they're running a decent boost on, like, a can tune, and they're just sending it and it's. I get the worst thing that's happened, I think, is one of them blew a catalytic converter out of Delphi.
01:42:03:40 - 01:42:23:20
That's all you saw is in the video, I saw it, I was like, Did it just blow up? And then like, but I it was the first nine second one. And I, you know, I had, dust it up and I was like, I haven't seen anybody actually question that video, but there's a big, huge white thing coming out of.
01:42:23:34 - 01:42:42:34
Oh, yeah. yeah. That catalytic converter like that. What you know, but these are people that are just like. Like I said, they're running a pulley that's not really meant to be run on the run in and situations. Yeah. And even but my point is, is here you are. And, you know, you expect the engine to blow. It's like, nope, just blow out the catalytic converter.
01:42:42:34 - 01:43:02:59
And it's, you know, you got these cars that are full way going nine seconds with just like an off the shelf kit. It's just absolutely insane. so let's talk a little bit about, you know, what type of stuff you like to do. outside of cars. I know we've bene. Yeah, I know that, but know you do music like, you play guitar.
01:43:03:01 - 01:43:23:49
You know, I may not be like, you're like, pro-level, but. No, you know, I would see you play guitar at the track and, like, you go out and play, some. That's my drinking days. Oh. Gigs is I. Yeah. Is that kind of over now. Is that most like tied to to to party and lifestyle or you just it helped I mean I'll, I'll be driving home and I hear a song on the radio and I'm like, oh man, I gotta play that song.
01:43:23:51 - 01:43:39:55
I gotta learn it tonight. Right? Then I get home and like, oh man, I got to make dinner. Oh, man. I want to lay that like, I'll learn that song tomorrow. And then I forget, you know, I'll do it. I did a few weeks ago where I took, like a whole week and just played every night, every night, every night instead of eating.
01:43:40:10 - 01:43:53:45
Yeah, I played just because it's healthier. And I learned a couple of songs. I just the cleaning lady came over and put the guitar away, and I put it away, and I haven't picked it up again. Yeah, but I love doing it. I love I said, I'll, I'll be driving home and I hear a song and I'm like, I really should learn that song.
01:43:53:45 - 01:44:12:00
That's a really bad ass song. Yeah. And then I just, I think it's important to have those kind of, like, totally unrelated hobbies. Yeah, because it kind of clears your mind, like, oh, yeah, all you do is focus on one thing. You actually sometimes it's detriment to you progressing there because you got to like, step away from it.
01:44:12:00 - 01:44:27:07
Yeah. And I don't know how your mind is, but I can't just step away from something unless I have something to step into. You know what I mean? Like, in this case, you took a week off from a lot of other things and just messed with the guitar. Maybe it helps clear your head, whereas you might have been like, well, I still went to work.
01:44:27:07 - 01:44:44:16
Yeah, no, I just have to work, you know? Right. But instead of being messing with the car nonstop for that week, right, you know, you're doing that and it's just it's like a break. It's, you know, it's something to fill the time. Yeah. When you're not doing what you're most obsessed with. Which just cars for motorcycles. You know, for me it's video.
01:44:44:27 - 01:45:02:51
That's why I do this stuff. I enjoy doing it, you know, and it's still, it's a different challenge to another challenge. Yeah, but it's not going to kill you if it fails. Yeah, exactly. I mean, it's kind of like, well, I'll keep working on it later. Yeah. You know, and it's not like live or die. You're not like, if I don't play the guitar, I can't pay my rent, right?
01:45:02:58 - 01:45:27:28
Or like, I'm so depressed because I can't play my guitar. It's just, you know, it's the. It's a different. Right? Yeah. It's a break. Yeah. Because, you know, those sorts of things have taught me, you know, back when we were racing Anna Maria all the time together, I was way overboard. Was it mentally, you know, like, I would go to a race and I would expect to win, especially when me and Gifford were hitting on all cylinders, and doing really well.
01:45:27:43 - 01:45:48:14
It'd be like, I, I never I clearly enjoyed wins because I expected to win. And then when I didn't, it was more just like, what did I do wrong? Right? Right. You know, instead of like, well, just didn't win today. Yeah. You know, so doing things outside that competitive nature, it kind of helps you keep a balance. Well, you got better.
01:45:48:14 - 01:45:56:06
What you hung out with this couple times. Yeah. Like we didn't win. But man, I feel good.
01:45:56:11 - 01:46:18:28
So I get it calls I get it, I get it. You didn't win in ten years, but you didn't win. You didn't care. So, you know, do you see yourself, doing much traveling with this new car? you know, you know, you said, you know, a lot of the reason that, you know, you took some time off in the last five years were because work and all those sorts of things and running the business.
01:46:18:28 - 01:46:35:02
But, you know, are you going to try to take some more time to get back into that, whether it's competitive racing or just traveling around you? Do you see yourself doing that? with the new build, it's probably going to be more selective. You know, where I'm just not going to try I'm not going to run a circuit.
01:46:35:11 - 01:46:49:52
Right? You know, it's kind of like, oh, well, look, this is really cool racing Ohio, you know, it's a stick race. And and I will not go there. You know what I mean? Oh, those are really cool. South Carolina has a really cool race. Yeah. Let me go there. Or like I said, you know, we talked about setting up grudge races.
01:46:49:57 - 01:47:05:09
Maybe those will happen at the at a race, but you're not racing a class at that race. It's more like I'm meeting Dan there and we're going to run the Godzilla versus Kyle as like a feature. I hate it up. Let me know. Bring it up. Because, I mean, it's gonna be a fun race. Yeah. You know what I mean?
01:47:05:09 - 01:47:19:19
So that's going to be cool. it's gonna be more setup things. I'm not going to show up and say, like, I gotta get the car running first, right? Get it fast. Second. And once it's got a reputation again, because I still got to get it wrapped, right. Forgot it's gonna get wrapped up. I won't tell you what.
01:47:19:21 - 01:47:40:06
Joker 2.0, 2.0. So going. Yeah. We don't want to reveal anything if you don't want to, but is it going to be the same basic same but different same. Yeah. It's going to people are going to know that's the Joker 2.0 yeah I think I know. Yeah I'm stuck with that diamond. It's just different. But it's going to be close to it.
01:47:40:06 - 01:47:58:19
But you'll know the difference. But it's going to be more like call out, you know like I want to challenge every listen on 400in³. Right. You know, and actually aspirated because I think it got over 500, you know, 560 less motor. I want to race. No, you're gonna put my ass. That's all I want to be 38. Yeah.
01:47:58:19 - 01:48:16:00
And that's that's how I was. that's I'm glad you're saying that because that's how I want to see it. Right? You know, and it doesn't have to be. Not no prep, but, like, grudge, no time, you know? No, no, no, no time stuff where it's just like, yeah, I'm not even sure what that car runs, but that thing is a bad.
01:48:16:01 - 01:48:31:01
Yeah. You know, and that's I think that's like one of the coolest things you could do with that car. All the Hemi guys call us the Chevy guys. You know what I mean? Let's go have fun with this car. That's that's built for me. Any, thing, any gambling will be involved. Oh, hell yeah. You know, hell, yeah.
01:48:31:01 - 01:48:52:41
Yeah. In México. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Hell yeah. Bro. No, it's. I said I got a plan. Sort of like I always change, right? But first thing is get it running, get it down the track, see if it's fast because the driver could suck and then go from there and then start being an asshole again. It's calling people out.
01:48:52:46 - 01:49:09:18
That's why I took off that year from Ray when I went back to Maple Grove. Yeah, I was having so much fun with the outlaw stuff because that's what happened every year. You're in. All right. Finishes. I get the car ready for World Cup, take the weight out. So I started the alternator off, putting the water pump off, put some fuel, put a tune.
01:49:09:23 - 01:49:25:01
And it was so much fun. And then come March, it's kind of like, I got to put 400 pounds back in the car. Yeah, I got to put the exhaust back. I gotta take this tune now. I gotta run C10 again. Yeah, it's kind of like so depressing. Yeah, that I just stayed. You know what? I'm leaving it like this.
01:49:25:03 - 01:49:43:45
I'm gonna go have fun. That's why we're doing it. And I learned so much from the outlaw stuff that when I went back to coyote stock, I pretty much like. I got you guys. I'm pretty good. And there's a lot of guys that, besides yourself. You. You're one of the more successful outlaw coyote racers. But there's a lot of guys that do it, you know, like World Cup.
01:49:43:46 - 01:50:07:39
What? Oh, yeah. No coyotes in there. and then you'd have for the rules change. Now, see, that's that's when the hunters messed up with the fuel. Then Jason wanted Jason Miller wanted to slow down, which is understandable. Right? To like, made to semi low nights. well, the Jen Gentry could do that. Yeah. You know, they could do that right now.
01:50:07:44 - 01:50:25:19
Right. So he kind of made the rules. It's now just strictly a crossover class. But like the last year before the year, the year before I crashed I was going to run it. Then he said no tunes allowed. You got to run the Ford tune. I was I was only coyote saw crossover. Yeah, yeah. And you got to run the Ford tune.
01:50:25:24 - 01:50:41:43
Gotcha. That's right. Even before when it was a coyote stock crossover, you stuck in a rut. You could still tune it or you could tune it, which is the fun of it, you know, kicking the rhythm out of it. Let's see what happens. But then he changed the rules to keep it more reserved. And it was no tune allowed.
01:50:41:43 - 01:50:57:42
See ten. You can take 200 pounds out of the car. Yeah. I was like, well, that's okay, you know what I mean? Like, I want to tune it. I want to play with the tune. That's what I, you know, it's pretty much stock light, right. Exactly. Because you got the same tune, the same fuel. Yeah. So, you know, we got a he I understand his point.
01:50:57:46 - 01:51:16:57
He understood my point. I just want to go fast. Yeah. But so I just left the car in that trim and just started doing like a bunch of other stuff. I did a ten oh index for a Wally, know 29. These. So, you know, obviously like a normal coyote stock race nowadays you still get 14, 16, 17 cars.
01:51:16:57 - 01:51:41:26
Oh yeah. But I did have notice that, and maybe it's just like a little bit of a lull, but the outlaw stuff kind of faded a little bit. Not necessarily World Cup, but like my Knights, I believe, still had like outlaw. and part of the issues there are probably scheduling with World Cup being close to mad gnats.
01:51:42:00 - 01:52:03:13
but do you see there being a possibility, you know, somebody has to come up with the idea or a way or drive that I would like to see a lot more of that outlaw style coyote and a racing. Do you think there's room for that? And like how? Yeah, I'll tell you why. I think Derek Perez, pulled this room.
01:52:03:54 - 01:52:21:21
Kevin McMullen myself. Washington's out there. Matt Williams has any coyote. Jay Meissner and Kyle in Canada. These are all any fast, and they're. Most of the guys are still building them, right? But they reach out to me. They don't swallow. Bodies make a difference. You know what? I didn't take? I want to run this intake. All that.
01:52:21:21 - 01:52:41:15
Cool. Try it. See what happens, you know, so this, this, this, there's going to be a lot of nah coyotes coming out. Yeah. And it doesn't even have to be just coyote. It could be Godzilla. But I would like to see, like a late model. not necessarily car, but engine. Right. Lot like, you know, like you have ten, five and a that go seven 90s.
01:52:41:20 - 01:53:02:47
I would like to see the same class with coyotes. Godzillas. Oh no, I agree classes. That'd be great. You know, and and and obviously with coyote stock, I was a fan of there being like a real simple recipe, but I don't think that's possible when you're talking about that. So I would want to see you race Mike Washington.
01:53:03:00 - 01:53:21:28
Now he's got, you know, a H pattern in in that car at least last time he ran. No, no, gh5 r okay. But, when he ran the A40, it was that in there, I think. I'm not sure. I'm not going to say you the way I think so, but I think what Stan putting in the, the five r okay, a V8.
01:53:21:29 - 01:53:43:26
Okay, I got it wrong. That I was going to say. Well, that's the next level. Yeah, that's the next level. And then all of a sudden now that's a good example because, what I was getting at was you were going to be the only guy there with the, that type of transmission. And then, you know, we have to it gets a little difficult, fabricate the rules.
01:53:43:26 - 01:54:03:28
So you race versus an H pattern car. And it's somewhat fair. But the flip side of it is, is now, if there's 3 or 4 cars, right, GH5 cars or the Liberty, equivalent, that's a d g force, right? The G5. yes. It's a five speed. It's a V8 five speed, just like mine. It's pretty much the same as last.
01:54:03:28 - 01:54:22:06
Right. Liberty would be in Pro Stock. Well, the Liberty is the equal to the GF 2000. Okay. Equalizer. Okay, Liberator or whatever it's called. That's the same as a GF 2000. Okay. So once the rails are on top and it's a pro stock trans. And what's the difference between that and the GF G5. I think they're supposed to be more readable okay.
01:54:22:17 - 01:54:41:45
Because it's not technically a clutch list transmission but but it but it is. But is it that way. Right. Like AG1 on one A is not a clutch transmission. Just do it that you just it's just the way it's cut the gears. So they could do that. So it's pretty much the same. It's a lighter trans. The GF 2000 hours of the year 2000 holds more power for a pro stock okay.
01:54:41:45 - 01:54:58:39
So that's actually and key point there is the GH5 might actually be an advantage in your car because it's lighter. Yeah I think yeah. But Leonard said no, if you run into this, that's it. Okay, okay. Whatever you say, Leonard. Right. You know more about this than I do. And he's like, no, you're running this.
01:54:58:39 - 01:55:14:10
You're running this, this is what you want to run, right? That's a that's a true touchless. Yeah. You know, so I mean everybody that's ran is told me, dude, you gotta love it. You gotta love that thing compared to the other ones, you gotta love that thing when you shift it, because it's just kind of like, oh, wow, it kind of wants to do it.
01:55:14:15 - 01:55:38:25
Yeah. One thing that I would like to do or, you know, I have a million projects that like dream product projects, everything from, like, I still have this, outlier dream of getting an old metal truck and then, like, putting, like, a shortened rear end under it, but making it stay look like a metal truck and repaint it so it, like, looks like a metal chocolate, like, you know, it's.
01:55:38:36 - 01:55:58:21
And it's called haul in the mail or something like that, you know, and just go drive around at night and go to like, street races and just like, beat people with like a mail truck. Retarded, right? oh, no, it's pretty cool. Yeah, but, I don't even know why I brought that up, but. Oh, I just, you know, there's a bunch of different ways to go about it, but one one combo I think would be cool.
01:55:58:21 - 01:56:18:32
Not enemies, but like All Out is that type of transmission behind a torque converter, you know, with the Bruno type drive. Yeah. You know, and at that point, well they have that at any ten five. Yeah. No I know yeah. Yeah. And to me like that's the ultimate combo right. Because like you can make the argument of auto versus stick.
01:56:18:32 - 01:56:39:32
But that takes the best the best of both worlds. Right. Like you know you've got a converter so you're not tuning a clutch. Right. But you have no issues of, clutches in the tranny itself. Right? You know, it's just it's all engaged. That's that's badass. Yeah. Maybe later on, who knows? Yeah. You know, who knows, man? You may get the bug.
01:56:39:32 - 01:56:57:18
You know, you say you don't want to do a power adder, but maybe, you know, you go seven 80s with the new one and be like, man, that was crazy. But like, I like it. I want to go faster. Yeah, I know what I'm like. You know what? Nah, guys. All the guys that like, like, we'll we'll have sexual, like a 20 year old condom.
01:56:57:59 - 01:57:12:16
you know what I mean? It's like we kind of. We're going to be safe. We want to live a little dangerously. Like, if it breaks inside. Oh, well, might get a disease, but it might not get laid. Who cares? That's what any you guys are, though, you know? I mean, we're retarded that way. It's like we could go two seconds faster, a lot easier.
01:57:12:19 - 01:57:43:04
Yeah, but, nah, let's just really be assholes and fucking do this really difficult. Yeah. And you know, the cool thing I've noticed in, from my, you know, my perspective with streetcars is the, you would think that the nah, stuff would just completely die, right? Because you could take a bone stock Mustang and literally put an off the shelf lipo off the shelf Hellion, and it perform well, and you don't have all the issues you might have had 10 or 15 years ago with a power adder kit.
01:57:43:15 - 01:58:04:08
You know that, you know, things weren't engineered as well. Now everything's engineered so well that you can go fast, but there's still people pushing the Na side of things and you know, a lot of people watching this podcast may not realize it, but I was like an anti power guy when I first got into this. I'm like, well you ran poor street.
01:58:04:08 - 01:58:20:04
Yeah, yeah. I mean that was my thing. And you know, some of that's influenced by the people around you. And it was like, oh well, you know boost is easy and like an A is like, you know, where it's where the men play. You know, that kind of thing is retarded. Right. Exactly. but, you know, I do love it.
01:58:20:04 - 01:58:40:06
And, you know, one thing that we've been doing a lot of lately is the nitro tuning and, and bone stock engines, you know, we've got guys going mid to low nines, and now, you know, back when you were running it and all those times, like, nobody was really talking about it publicly because we were trying to keep it a secret.
01:58:40:06 - 01:58:54:16
Of course. not necessarily because we were trying to cut you off a second. Yeah. The funny thing is, the Honda guys were talking about that for five years already. Yeah. Before I ran it, they'd been telling me for five years, dude, you got to try M5, dude, you got to try, 1 in 5. And I'm like.
01:58:54:16 - 01:59:13:10
And I know you guys are wrong with the whole talking about. Yeah, so I knew about it for five years. I was just an idiot. It's stubborn. So. But that's a good example as to, like, necessity breeds, innovation. Right? Right. Like a good example is, you know, the Honda guy to compete has to do that, right?
01:59:13:15 - 01:59:30:16
Right. Where we don't have to do that. Like I talked to somebody big in the super world when I was talking about the nitro stuff. And I'm like, yeah, we mess with it. And he's like, why don't you put it in the boosted cars? Like, we don't need it, you know, like we don't need it. We're making more power than we can handle at this point.
01:59:30:18 - 01:59:49:22
Right. But then these other guys with like less or not that supers less combination obviously do really good stuff with the TJs and all that. but they were they're running it in their particular car and, you know, it's just like sometimes when you have the easy route, it's also the less innovative route. Yeah. Because you don't have to innovate.
01:59:49:35 - 02:00:15:28
I mean, totally a weird example was I was in the Dominican Republic tuning cars. Like I went there and all the little things that they were doing got my attention because it was born out of necessity. Right? Like the dyno controller. Right? Like I break my dyno controller. Boom, throw it out, get a new one. Yeah. Tomorrow, right there in Dominican Republic, everything's ten times more expensive to get it over there.
02:00:15:41 - 02:00:39:36
So like I'm using their dyno controller and it's got all these like resistors and it look like a science experiment. And it worked perfectly. RadioShack. What is this like? Oh, we had to fix that like 5 or 6 times. But there were there, you know, with like electronics and doing circuit boards and I'm like, I've been a dyno guy for 15 years and I have no idea what they have going on here, because I would just throw that shit out and get a new one.
02:00:39:45 - 02:01:13:30
But like, to me that's impressive because they're digging in in places that I don't even consider digging into because they have to, and that same thing happens on platforms that are, you know, a little handicapped, I guess I would say. But then, you know, Honda's I mean, I think Honda is one of the coolest stories, honestly, in, in, in this, in performance just because, you know, it's like they continue to innovate and like do things with things where you'd be like, why are you doing that?
02:01:13:44 - 02:01:30:27
But then all of a sudden now there's all these all wheel drive Hondas out there that I'm like, yeah, there's like a CRV, single CRV into a civic body on it. Right? Genius. And they're just taking like, it's like, you know, it's just like, oh, well, they've got some billet shit. Or they it's just like taken friggin shit out of a CRV.
02:01:30:30 - 02:01:51:00
Yeah. And they're like, why haven't we done that with a mustang? There's gotta be some way we can make one all wheel drive. Yeah, exactly. There is one guy, though, that did it on, on a YouTube channel, but that's a perfect example. Yeah, some guy did it like a true all wheel drive s550. He put, like a Toyota diff in the front, like an engineer hold to the oil pan.
02:01:51:00 - 02:02:09:51
All this stuff I've dreamed about. and then here's this guy, and he's got, like, no views on his video, like, this is this guy's a genius. but nobody cares, though, because it's just there's just the Mustang world is just so, you know, a little bit cookie cutter. You know, there's not those in as much innovation there.
02:02:09:59 - 02:02:26:47
A video about your mufflers, 2 million hats. Yeah, exactly. A guy with a four wheel drive Mustang and, like, crickets. Crickets, crickets. Yeah. I saw another video of, these young kids. I don't know if it was like an engineering project or a college or whatever, but they made a V ten modular, I saw that. Did you see that shit?
02:02:26:47 - 02:02:52:09
Yeah. I was like, how come nobody's talking about this? This doesn't make power. I don't know, but it ran. Yeah. It started. Yeah. And they're running on an engine stand. It wasn't in a car. Yeah, but I saw it and I was like, and I'm. And there was another one. Why not? Yeah. Well, in that kind of stuff, just, you know, sometimes like, makes me feel like I'm not doing enough.
02:02:52:13 - 02:03:13:01
Here I am. You know, I've been doing this 20 years, and this guy's making an all wheel drive Mustang. This guy's making a V ten model. I don't I don't knock myself that because I noticed they got one thing that we don't time. Yeah, you're you're absolutely right. Because that takes a lot of time. And if we had any spare time you be making videos I playing guitar.
02:03:13:03 - 02:03:28:08
Yeah. Yeah. And you're not making videos and I'm not playing guitar. Well, because we have no time. Yeah, yeah. And and I think maybe that's there's a little jealousy involved because I see that shit and I'm like, man, I would love to just have like, yeah, six months to just build something I would like. And that's how much you want for it.
02:03:28:10 - 02:03:45:04
Yeah, I'll buy it from you because you already built it. I don't have time to build it. Yeah, I could, but I'm not. Yeah. I'm not going to. Yeah, but that goes back to you when I say before I was poor, I mean, I'm still poor, but when I was like $300 a week, you know, $300 a month rent that was paying a basement would throw water and roaches.
02:03:45:09 - 02:04:06:20
But I learned how to make my car fast because I couldn't buy. I was beaten. Guys would. Paxton ads and vortexes and all this crap with full length headers. I have my stock little headers. I was beating them on the street. Yeah, because I had to. That's all I got. I'll make the car light, make it drug and suspension travel and make it work.
02:04:06:25 - 02:04:26:51
That's it. That's a that's a good topic actually to talk about is money. You know, there's a lot of people out there that seem think, you know, you put enough money into it and you're going to be the fastest guy. And there's some truth to that depending on exactly the details. But in the end it's not really true.
02:04:26:51 - 02:04:45:39
Right? Like, no. Again, we use Brett LaSalle as an example because he's currently the one in that position of like just killing it. And, you know, people go like, oh, well, you know, with enough money I go, you don't think there's other people that have way more money that Brother Solid that would want to do what he did.
02:04:45:39 - 02:05:11:55
Yeah. Where are they? Guy with a pro mod maybe. Yeah, exactly. It's probably things are going that fast sometimes. So, you know, while money is important in this hobby because a lot of the advancements that, have made the cars faster are expensive, right? He does have a Motec in that car. So, you know, I say he doesn't have an insane amount of money in that car, but most of his savings have come from the labor side, not from the parts.
02:05:12:05 - 02:05:35:03
He has probably got the best of everything in that car. but, but it shows, though. Yeah, exactly. But at the end of the day, there's other cars with the same parts, right? And they're half a second or slower or even more so. Right? Right. You know, so, I guess what my point is, is I think bread is a intersection of both, right?
02:05:35:07 - 02:05:59:33
Yeah. Money. the budget at least to to spend money on the right parts. But the same innovator. Right. and, you know, he started out I watch this podcast on the Go Hard podcast the other day, and, he started out, you know, with the fox body and just the basic stuff, and he's that type of detail personality that, like you or a lot of any.
02:05:59:43 - 02:06:22:32
I'm not even that guy that much. No, but, you know, your mind works that way. You may not be doing it like that because like you are. Yeah, yeah. Even that I'm not something. You look at the studio here. Yeah. Seems amazing. Yeah. Well, you know, and again, I do this stuff for fun. but unfortunately, you know, I'm, I'm jealous of Brett because he does have all this right now, a little.
02:06:22:37 - 02:06:42:21
Right. And not that I. If I had Jeff lots or not, if I had the time, I could do what he was doing. Right. I might be able to do what he's doing, but I don't I don't have that time to find out, you know, and he's right. But that's because he's positioned himself in a way. Right? You know, and he just got hired by TBM brakes and his job is like, okay, I'm a rep.
02:06:42:21 - 02:06:57:03
Like, I'm just I'm the cool guy. You get to talk. He's still doing six hour 80s now. probably not. I don't think so. Exactly. No, no, but he worked his way up there, you know what I mean? But he was focused on that, right? I went to my, my fabricator shop, the the the upstate New York, to get my car.
02:06:57:03 - 02:07:17:01
He did the tunnel for me. Gary. Gary, boosted, fab as a as a pawn with the trailer. He's arguing with some other guy with it over by Brett. Well, it's not really a stand stock block. And I'm like, oh, here we go. so fucking down, here we go. Yeah, I, I chimed in because I had to, I go, have you see the size of his radiator in that car?
02:07:17:06 - 02:07:34:27
And then like, no, I go, the thing's huge. Right. So it's a street car. It's got a giant radiator. The guy drives it. Enough said, I don't care. I go, whoa, well, this guy, he runs, you know, 599 so I go, yeah, okay, whatever, dude. So it's it's it's a, it's a topic like middle of upstate New York.
02:07:34:31 - 02:07:52:15
Yeah. It's it's the topic he's arguing with everything. And I think he deserves it. The whole stock block thing is ridiculous to me. You know, it's like, look guys, I get that it has sleeves in it, but no shit. So does 11 second cars. Yeah, but where do you go to buy if you want to build the engine?
02:07:52:15 - 02:08:15:12
He Scott. Right. Where do you buy the block from? Ford. Yeah. So stock block. Yeah. Yeah. You're modifying it. You're also putting different pistons to billet blocks. Got sleeves too. Yeah. Exactly. So I got a billet block. It's got sleeves a big deal. Yeah. The guy's doing it. I'm going to show you how he does it. But it is funny, you know, to me it is a big difference that you're starting with a cast, not a product.
02:08:15:12 - 02:08:35:36
Oh, yeah. You know, I, trying to think what his name is. I can't remember his name, but as a car that just went, like, 397, right? Right. Yeah. And my first thought was, there it is. There's the rivalry Brett versus that else. And the minute I found out that I was out of billet blocking it, I was like, yeah.
02:08:35:48 - 02:08:55:59
Yeah yeah. Exactly. Yeah. And it's probably 480in³, right? You know what I mean? I saw that car, too, and I was like, And it's impressive. Don't have any threes like a car. I remember when nobody had been through his period other than a pro mod. And then, you know, I think back in the day, you know, the drag radial guys, I think Kevin Mullins and a few other people were doing that stuff.
02:08:56:04 - 02:09:15:19
And, you know, you're talking full out max effort. Yeah. race cars that probably couldn't ever get back to their pit at the end of the track. And Brett's fucking going, you know, a thousand miles in a week. Yeah. So, and for people to try to shit on that, it's I, you know, I crazy good for him.
02:09:15:19 - 02:09:32:36
He's he's out there talking about him. Well, and you know people I say that all the time, like, you know, people, I got a lot of friends in this industry and they're like, dude, look at this guy's saying this about me and this guy. And I'm like, dude, they're talking about you. That's it. That's exactly. Exactly. Yeah, exactly.
02:09:32:36 - 02:09:48:54
That's why I, I used to love, like you said, it's easy to put a whip on a car to Paxton. Whatever. Ready? Boost. Let's go to my my little fox body to the races and move their asses. And then open the stock. You don't have boost. You have nitrous though. And it's a stock motor. What. That's awesome right?
02:09:48:55 - 02:10:05:31
I mean, but I'm like, so you could do it with any platform. Obviously the NRA has a limit and I think we're going to reach that. And that's cool because everybody could catch up to that. But the cool thing is for cars, you could just keep like you know break bread scoring about six 20s. Yeah. But he probably got a 600.
02:10:05:36 - 02:10:22:46
Yeah. You know if I got a 590 and it just hasn't had a reason to show it or it just takes a little kind of like you're done. Yeah. You know what I mean? Well, I'm hoping that, you know, with your car, we can set the set the bar so high that maybe people won't catch up to us, you know, like, that's always the goal, right?
02:10:22:46 - 02:10:42:54
Like, yeah, it's good and it's bad. Yeah. You know, because that's what I thought. I mean, my thought was set the record like in a show car. Save a lot of money that way. Yeah. Put it in car shows. Yeah. The world's fastest first look at me. I'm like, man, instead of having that little, like, plaque in front of your car, just have a TV showing the same pass over and over again.
02:10:42:59 - 02:11:07:08
I'll put it on the screen in the car, sit in the car, watch the video side. I want to see this car run. Be like, watch it on video, because I'm not running the name until somebody beats me exactly. And I have done. Yeah. so are you pretty much 100% always a stick shift guy, like, you know, like, let's say, let's say you get to a certain point with that car and it's like, all right, you achieve good things.
02:11:07:08 - 02:11:25:19
But, you know, if put a different transmission in this thing and I better go faster, like, I think I'm open to it. Yeah, I'm open to it. But I've driven. But you'd want to get to a certain point with the stick first, right? Because you ride just because I'm a stick, I 12 second stick cars. One side of the nine second automatic.
02:11:25:19 - 02:11:39:55
Yeah. No I agree, you know. So it's always clear I like the fun of it. Like just you just feel like you're racing. Yeah. You know where the guys are. Paraglide. So they're shifters. I'm like, wow, they're not running sixes. I understand you're running a six or, you know, but you guys are in six of them with a H pattern trucks.
02:11:40:10 - 02:12:00:51
Yeah. You know it's yeah, that's a nuts. And maybe, you know my opinion would change a little bit. But the whole air shift saying I'm like, dude, don't you want to do something? Yeah. Like even my video game GT 500, racing. You know, we we put it in a manual, we use the paddles right when we're drag racing, and, you know, at first we couldn't we had to do it that way because the tranny wasn't tunable.
02:12:00:55 - 02:12:28:42
And then we were able to turn it to automatically shift to 8000, although it wasn't super consistent. People like, hey man, can you set my car for auto shift? I go, guy that's lame, dude. And they're like, yeah, but then I won't have to hit my shift points. I'm like, you all. You want somebody else to drive the car for you to, like, you know, to me, yeah, if even if it's just right, you know, hitting the paddle, it's something to do.
02:12:28:42 - 02:12:46:54
And then when I do it right, I'm like, oh, you know, you're like, oh, I got it wrong. Better for it. Yeah. So you know that that's my biggest problem. But I missed a stick or I haven't had a stick car forever. Obviously we tune a lot of stick cars. We do a lot of Gt350 here and I'll take them for ride or Mach ones too.
02:12:46:58 - 02:13:08:09
And I'm just like, bad dude. Like, I convinced myself that I love automatics until I have this fucking car. Like, it's just so much more fun than like, you know, like, I could go out here with my truck automatic or any of these Mustang automatic and just floor it and it's spinning and but I'm still going, and it's just like the acceleration is fun.
02:13:09:01 - 02:13:36:58
But I could be going way slower with a stick car and it's 1,000 pounds and going faster. And yeah you're just feel like connected to the car. That's why so many ten speed guys wreck. Because you know you're not connected to the car with a ten speed auto. And it's just like it's spinning and you're staying in it, and the wheel speeds getting off, and you're just like, whereas it, you know, if you're if you're shifting it and all of a sudden you went from second to third in like a quarter of a second, you're like, up buyer fucking do something, man.
02:13:36:59 - 02:13:53:43
You know, like I'm going to die. Whereas it turns me just like that. And then all of a sudden, boom, yeah, right. Turn right. Right. I've had a bunch of ten speed customers. I had one guy wreck his car a day after he picked it up. You know, it's a situation of like. And that's the biggest danger with street cars.
02:13:53:43 - 02:14:14:53
Maybe that's where Na comes in handy. It's like it kind of keeps people safe. Yeah, because it's so easy to make a thousand plus horsepower nowadays that. Yeah, I got customers show up all the time. That guy that I was telling you about, he. It was a mach one. He wrecked the car. Stock, stock. Then we put a pro charger on it.
02:14:14:58 - 02:14:36:02
He hit the wall. 95. And then a few weeks ago, here's a video going around from cars and coffee. And guess who it was. He goes to pull out does like 360 goes up on the curb and I'm like, whoof. You know, like there's just these cars are, you should buy a Hellcat once every year. Yeah, exactly.
02:14:36:07 - 02:14:55:47
Yeah. man. So, you know, let's fast forward a little bit. You got the car, you know, your car running. It's doing well. Do you pretty much feel like this is your forever car at this point? You know, I talk to people about that. Like like my red car. I call my forever car. Like, no matter what, I'm always going to have that car, right?
02:14:55:51 - 02:15:16:59
I'm always going to race that car. I'll have other vehicles, maybe, but that's my forever car. Are you treating this like like that? This car like that? Do you feel like you know you're putting time and effort into it for the long haul? I've never built a car like this. I really have, like, there's minimal zip ties in it where the Joker was all zip ties, right?
02:15:17:04 - 02:15:36:55
You know, it's. I don't know if it's a forever car. It's never going to be the car that you're most advanced car to this date. Right on lifetime. Customer I bought the car, like, three times better than this one. Right? For custom. But for me, I've kind of like, just put this wire there, you know, just, you know, I'm that way, too.
02:15:36:55 - 02:15:58:03
You know, my car. It's like, a doctor who's fat or a hairdresser who's hair looks like shit. It's right. They just don't even have time to mess with themselves this early. And, you know, there's been lots of times through my career, and I tried to get away from this a little bit where, you know, right. I got to do something and I'm like, dude, to my own car, right?
02:15:58:03 - 02:16:15:10
And I'm like, if I saw a customer's car come in here that had, this is what I'm doing, I'd be like, this idiot, get this piece of shit out of here. It was a freaking crimp crimp connector in here and electrical tape and all this shit. But you know, this sometimes that's the. That's the side effect of being overly busy.
02:16:15:18 - 02:16:34:40
Yeah. So this time around, you're kind of. The other thing is, I am so many people took so much effort. Like, the engine's a work of art. It's beautiful. Yeah, the pedal assembly, FFP, pedals, pedals, sport of art. Yeah, those are awesome. You know, the transmission. It's a work of art. So I got. I can't be a monkey with all these nice parts in the car.
02:16:34:40 - 02:16:53:08
Like, I have to compliment their work by short, because what they did this, this guy did that. This guy did that. What I did has to look as good as it's complimenting their work, right? You know what I mean? Like, everything's, like, measured 30 fucking times. Yeah. And do it this way. Put this here, you know, set it up, mock it up.
02:16:53:13 - 02:17:11:00
Take it off. Do it another way. Mock it up again. Like this is what, one day a week, those Sundays. Yeah. Because I was working six days a week and 6:00, you know, days last thing you want to touch is your all car, right? Right. So this is all Sunday, and nobody's the shop. Nobody bothers me. And I would mock everything up, and I'm like, okay, I got to buy this these these fasteners to work here.
02:17:11:02 - 02:17:29:32
This one had. So it's kind of complementing the whole car. Yeah. The car itself. It's a work of art. The engine's a work of art. So it's kind of like my shit better be nice. Yeah. Because it's, you know, I want to sort of take away from this car. Yeah. I mean, that's a good example of, like, who you surround yourself with kind of determines your path a little bit.
02:17:29:32 - 02:17:51:45
In this case, you don't want to let anybody down, right? Like I do like Chris. Bill Carlos a fucking engine. And what he did with it. Yeah, just fucking monkey. Yeah. So, you know, that's a good another good reason to surround yourself, by, good people and successful people. Because you're going to make sure you measure up.
02:17:51:45 - 02:18:13:30
Whereas if you're the smartest guy in the room, then you get lazy some. Right? You know, and that's, something I've been really successful, my whole career, like, you know, and I got into this. I didn't know anything at all. Like, you know, I say this all the time to make it clear I was not the guy who had a car picked out before I had a driver's license.
02:18:13:30 - 02:18:37:21
I could give two shits about cars, especially performance. I didn't care, but over the years, you know, my success came through the people that I was lucky enough to surround myself with. Which in Ohio, there's a lot of people. And that, you know, it's a yeah, it's a very tight in the Midwest. And like, right now, I, I remote in a lot of cars at the annum rate and like they're all there's 3 or 4 of the four of them, they're all from Ohio.
02:18:37:22 - 02:18:54:21
They're all from the same township in Ohio, Liberty Township. Wow. Yeah. So, you know, and then Tony Bischoff right over the border in Indiana, engine builder, you know, it's like you never you don't want to let down the people, right, that you're working with. And in your case, you're working with some of the cream of the crop.
02:18:54:21 - 02:19:13:53
Let's talk a little bit more about your engine builder real quick. Yeah. You mentioned his name and you did say the company once, but he deal with, what kind of cars were they? He does the panels. Panels? Glass panels? Yeah. The land power products is where he works now. He owns the company. Right. So he started out just as working there.
02:19:13:53 - 02:19:30:32
But engineer, like, if you go to that, it's like a laboratory. Yeah, it looks like a NASCAR shop where everything's whiter, things clean. It's just amazing that shop, you know. So they build a lot of road race cars. Now he's doing he just did all of formula drift car Aston Martin 12 cylinder twin turbo. That's crazy. I go dude my car.
02:19:30:34 - 02:19:50:11
My motor should be nothing compared to that one. That's got two extra cylinders, right? Four extra cylinders in mind. But it looks just like a coyote. But but the place is. I mean, the guy's the genius. Like, he he text me stuff and I just look at it, I like I have no idea what he's talking about. Yeah, I have no idea what these numbers mean, but I'll just pass it along to somebody who knows what.
02:19:50:18 - 02:20:08:57
But the guys at the shop. So he worked there, and then he ended up buying the business. Okay. And so he's running it now, which is great. And they do, like I said, a little bit of everything. Well they do it's all race. Like, you know how I run factory stock. I would have guys ask me, oh, can you build me a, a street 3 or 2?
02:20:09:01 - 02:20:26:00
And he's like, no, I build race motors. I don't build anything for the street. Nothing at all for the street. It's all strictly race. Interesting, right? So that's all I do is race. I mean, if you put up the videos on Instagram, it's kind of like, what the hell? These guys build my motor. Do you think it's mostly to, like, limit volume so they can concentrate on details?
02:20:26:09 - 02:20:47:58
Because if you're doing street cars, you got to do volume. Well, yeah. I mean I don't know why. I mean he's got such I mean he ships motors to Europe all the time for them. There's so many different racing series in the world that he does like half the Motor City series like he's been. He was the guy who beat Roush back in the, I guess, 90s with the SCCA, the Trans-Am cars.
02:20:48:00 - 02:21:05:22
Okay. They were the ones that beat Roush, right? You know what I mean? So they know their shit that they now they're doing motors for Salina. Seven's right. You know it's a road race all over the world. So it's pretty much he's got his niche and why why go away from me like he never seen a coyote motor.
02:21:05:22 - 02:21:28:24
So he got mine. Yeah. He was I never seen one. I was like, you're kidding me. He's like, nope. Don't even know. We never open the one up. Never seen one inside. It's funny how some of the fancier engines, all the kind of similar. Yeah, I remember I at one point I was helping somebody with a Porsche. I suck at what models Porsches are, but, like, it's the front engine one, you know, like 28.
02:21:28:29 - 02:21:46:55
Yeah. And that's like a four valve. Yeah. It looks a lot like a coyote. Like. I mean, it had the two valve, though, and looks like the original 2000. Yeah. Yeah. This is the one I'm talking about was a four valve. Oh okay. Yeah. And the guy had built a twin turbo kit for it. This is back in Ohio when I had Roger depot.
02:21:47:00 - 02:22:04:07
And, he's like, these are kind of similar. It was for coyote is, you know, we still have the four valve, though. And I was looking at it. I'm like, man, like, you know, you think of like, oh, this Porsche's like, you know, on another planet. It's like it's like it's not that different. Probably 30 years old. Yeah, yeah.
02:22:05:15 - 02:22:26:15
but, so, you know, I guess that the cool thing to think about that I don't think people think about enough, is how important the people are in this business, because. Chris. Yeah. Would you would know, Chris, if it wasn't for Jamie Robbins. Right, right. It's if you're just some random guy that's saw Chris online or whatever you were and you called him, right?
02:22:26:15 - 02:22:39:38
He might not even want to deal with you, right? Right. Like, you know, I don't know. Why does he don't he could pretty much weed out of. You're serious? Yeah. Like a lot of engine builders. Do you call bishops the same things that weed you out? You just throw the number at you, you like. Yeah. I'll bite or you get all hung up the phone.
02:22:39:43 - 02:22:58:46
Yeah. The guys who are known already that they're not gonna waste your time. Yeah. You know, explaining to you, oh, we gotta do this. You know, six inch water, sort of 6.5in runners because. No, you're either going to do it with me, you trust me or shut the fuck up. Yeah, yeah. No, that's a good point. You know, and I think that, what's, you know, a good way to set apart certain companies, right?
02:22:58:51 - 02:23:13:13
If you deal with a company and they're willing to do whatever you ask, then maybe they're not the right contract, you know, because they're just looking for a paycheck at that point. Yeah. You're not. Yeah. If they're going to do everything you say, then they're not an expert. That's why you hire a pro. That's why I hire you to do my tunes.
02:23:13:13 - 02:23:29:32
Yeah. You know what I mean. I got Brian Freezy. He's going to do him up there. He's locally. Yeah. You know, he's he's he knows Holly like he knows. Right? Like, you know, like brother and older sister in Kentucky. you know, but, like, I never question your tunes. Right. Okay. Here's a log. Okay. Chocolate. What'd you do?
02:23:29:32 - 02:23:46:30
I never asked you. I never asked, would you do? Because I don't care. Yeah. No, I know it's done. Yeah. I'm okay. Would you do would you to different can shut the fuck up. Carlos drove the car. You know, it's my job. You do your job. Yeah, I get people. Try that with me. I know they do. How much time do we have?
02:23:46:35 - 02:24:05:38
And I just want to make a difference, and I. My answer is I'm always a dick. Yeah. And I'm just like, at what temperature? At what air temperature? I work on temperature. I will timing, you know I love it. And they're like, what do you I just want to tell everybody on Facebook what timing I'm running. And I'm like, it depends what RPM load, you know.
02:24:05:40 - 02:24:26:31
Oh shit. You know, and, it bothers me when people oversimplify shit. It's like I'm running 21 degrees of timing. What? Like where? Yeah. At what RPM, what boost? What? You know, and nothing is that simple. Whether it's camshaft specs, you know, you get that all the time. I mean, I know you need a 110 LSA on that thing.
02:24:26:35 - 02:24:46:26
What? You don't know what the hell you're talking about. If that's how you describe that. The four of. You know, and you know and I know I'm not making fun of anybody out there that doesn't have the knowledge. But what I will make fun of is when you're trying to dish out knowledge that you have, you're only you have no experience, right?
02:24:46:26 - 02:25:10:21
You're just repeating what you read in a mag nowadays. It's not magazines. The internet. Right? But that was super common. And that happens to this day where, you know, I was talking with, Kelly Eakin about this, not on the podcast, but when he was here and just all these, like, zombies out on the internet that, like, once, once something happens, it catches on.
02:25:10:26 - 02:25:34:43
Yeah. And then everybody's, like, commenting and more like, they don't even know what they're saying, right? They're just repeating what Bubba said or whatever, you know, like some guy who's prior doesn't know what he's saying either, but he's got a louder voice and he's saying it over and over again, and I'm just like. It kind of discourages me a little bit of the human race and the human race, you know, like what it takes.
02:25:34:47 - 02:25:53:17
What's that? Is that what it takes? Yeah. Well, I guess, there's a lot of things it's discouraging about the human race, but, you know, it's just like this guy saying this, but if you were able to or even cared enough to take the time and go, how did you form that opinion? Right. His only answer is, this guy told me that, right?
02:25:53:24 - 02:26:10:13
You know, like, they don't even like, no, no, no, they have no critical thinking at all. It's it's funny and it's sad. Yeah. You know, but it's kind of you have to take it for it's worth, you know what I mean? It's kind of like, well you see one, but somebody sticks out, you know, like, oh, wow. It's the same guy that talks like that as the guy when we're tuning them, I'm like, you got a vacuum?
02:26:10:13 - 02:26:27:51
Like, go look for it. But how do I do that? Right? Oh my. Like if you don't I look for vacuum. Oh no. What's a vacuum. Well what. Yeah yeah. We had a guy the other day that, we're like, What? Spark plug gap. Yeah, I don't know. I didn't put the car together. mechanic for that.
02:26:27:55 - 02:26:47:04
All right, we'll take one out. I look at it, I can't I don't have to take it back to the mechanic. I'm like, dude, wow, you can't take a spark plug out. You probably can't change your tire if you get a flat either. That's really a yeah. You know, and, you know, if you're listening to this and, you're that guy, then step it up.
02:26:47:07 - 02:27:01:46
Yeah, yeah, it's not that hard. Like. Yeah, most of the people. That's why you say I can't do it. Well, he ask you to do something. Pull up a you. I got to go to bathroom, download a YouTube video real fast, come back and say I got this. Oh, that's exactly right. Like, fake it till you make it, bro.
02:27:01:52 - 02:27:14:58
Are you just like, okay, where's the spark plug? Right. It's behind that thing. It's got a eight millimeter on it. What do I need to do? Well, take that bolt out. All right. What's the next step exactly? Like, just try, like you just going to blow it up? Dude, I put a sock in my pants just so I don't have to say.
02:27:14:58 - 02:27:35:37
I have a small one, you know what I mean? But so what? Yeah. So on. It works. I just love the people that, like, in there's both ends of the spectrum. All right. You got the guy who won't even take a spark plug out, and then you got all these guys are overconfident, putting oil pump gears, the engines, and they're like, it only sounds like it's running on one side of the motor because it is just one bank.
02:27:35:47 - 02:27:53:29
I got a misfire on the bank. Yeah, I did it just like the video said. Yeah, I shouldn't have done it. Yeah. So I guess there's somewhere in between, you know, you get the guys are overconfident because they feel like, oh, let's watch. I like those better though. Yeah. I'd rather you try and fail. Right, right, right, right.
02:27:53:34 - 02:28:13:05
Or destroy anything. Yeah. I mean, how many of your failures is why? You know what you know today, right? Most of them it's. Or somebody, it's either your failure or you watch somebody else do the same thing and fail and go, yeah. You don't want to do that. Yeah. You know, but it's more attention to that. It's when you're scared to do it at all that that's really the problem.
02:28:13:10 - 02:28:35:53
So you know, well, let's go back to the, new car. So, you know, obviously lots of things are just cookie cutter type stuff, but I'm sure there's some unique parts to the vehicle or some things that are kind of special, you know, what are some, some things that stand out to you about the new car? Probably the most difficult part was on the GF 20 transmission.
02:28:35:58 - 02:28:53:13
You have. Of course you got the clutch, then you have the bell housing. So I call brown up, which I should have done the get, but this only was like 18 weeks for the Bell housing. So I'm like oh I got I don't have time for that. You know, I mean that's the key. Year and a half ago.
02:28:53:18 - 02:29:09:55
So I had the quick time Bell housing which is a short bell housing for a door seven inch clutch. so like, hello, how do I make this work? Because then the guy from Advanced Clutch is Rob Youngblood says you got to run a hydraulic. Thorburn. Now I'm a Ford guy. Always been a fork. You can't fit a fork in a quick time.
02:29:09:55 - 02:29:35:19
Bell housing. What a dual seven inch. So I'm like who do I know that knows clutch is pretty good. I like oh shit about Helen. Yeah. My hero. Yeah, he hated the job, but. So he went ahead and got me. I mean, it's pretty genius because the the hydraulic bearing. So g force made a adapter plate from the bell housing to the transmission.
02:29:35:24 - 02:29:54:43
Bob figured out he got, I guess when you call that part of the the sleeves or the input shaft. shit. The bearing retainer. Yes. Yeah, the bearing retainer. He figured out how to put a bearing retainer onto that plate. So pretty much the whole clutch setup is contained in the bell housing. would you throw a bearing?
02:29:54:48 - 02:30:13:26
Oh, okay. The trans could be out of the car. You can do all the clutch adjustments. Oh, wow. Without the trans being in the car. That's awesome. I was like, dude, that's so badass because I was, like, pulling my hair. I go, how am I gonna make this work? So it's like, well, it's pretty easy. You do this, you do that, and, you know, give me a little housing and I'll make a retainer plate for it.
02:30:13:26 - 02:30:29:11
And the bearing retainer and all this shit. I was like, yeah. So the bearing retainer is part of the Bell housing, that's all. Instead of being part of the trans, the trans is just the input. Yep. So when that when it comes out, it looks like it's missing the bearing retainer. Right. So there's not like a big hole anymore.
02:30:29:13 - 02:30:48:12
No. Just just a hole for the input shaft okay. So the bearing sits on a bearing retainer inside the bell housing. So it's like. And, you know, to bring up, Hamlin, he goes way back to the early NMR days, right. Oh my God. You know, he's a Trimet guy, right? For the most part. Or just transmissions in general?
02:30:48:25 - 02:31:03:09
Well, he was a T5 guy when I first when I first spoke to him. That's one of my street racing days, right. Because I was blowing up the T5 every week. Right. And he's like, so I call him up because I just saw him in a magazine back in the magazine. So I call him and he's like, hi, my name is Calls You All.
02:31:03:09 - 02:31:20:48
And he's like, well, you know, I'm I'm blowing up a lot of T5 and he's like, what are you doing? I go, well, Wednesday I go to Englishtown. I get about 3 or 4 passes. On Thursday I'm street racing the car on Staten Island, Friday I'm street racing it in the Bronx. Saturday I'm street racing in new Jersey, and Sunday I'm going back to Englishtown.
02:31:20:52 - 02:31:37:53
He's like, so how many passes a day? I got like five passes. He goes five times five is 25. You Powershift and I go, yeah, he's doing 25 power shifts a week. He goes, you're doing right. You're doing just fine. I was like, really? He was like, yeah, that's you can't, you know, these things have a ticking time bomb, right?
02:31:37:57 - 02:31:53:57
But you're getting 25 power ships a week. That's pretty good. So I was like, oh, okay. So is that, you know, nothing we can do about it. You know, back in the day. So that was 30 years ago. Maybe, you know, when he was doing that part time, when Hamlin Motorsports was like a part time job for him.
02:31:54:01 - 02:32:08:58
But he's always been the nicest guy. That's awesome. You know? But any motor tracks, you know, and he still with the tracks I guess. But it's you know he's he's tired. He wants to go to Aruba and I don't blame him. Yeah. No, I don't blame me either. I go there to myself. But, I spend too much money on cars.
02:32:08:58 - 02:32:26:02
I got to keep working. Yeah. So what other kind of stuff is done to the new car that, you said, you switched out the, he had a normal window in there, and you put up the car. Oh, yeah. Yeah, we changed all the the all the windows of the car. Of course we put them in the doors too, or.
02:32:26:02 - 02:32:42:09
No. Yeah. Oh, yeah. The back window, the doors. And those are shield fixed windows on the doors or the doors. You got to cut them out. Okay. You got to grab the original. It's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's it's angled. Yeah. Like the glass. You got to lay it on the door up because some guys want to bolt it to the outside.
02:32:42:14 - 02:32:57:27
So I'm going to put it inside. like a regular Mustang. You have yours inside. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, yeah, it looks like a stock. It's got. It doesn't have all the bolts around it. No, no, I don't love that, man. I think if you're going to. But they don't go down yours. Right. No. Right. But at least it looks it looks like they do.
02:32:57:32 - 02:33:16:37
Yeah. Right. That looks like that's how I do. Yeah. Looks nicer. It's cleaner. Look, because that's instantly your hood probably is going to distract them from the windows. But, And you love that. You love that. but, when I see the bolts on the windows with, you know, all the way, I don't, I don't it's just race car.
02:33:16:37 - 02:33:38:24
It's super spread. Have, I don't know. I don't think so. I don't know, I do remember, when I was on drag week, the, I was, hanging out with Real Street J. Well, you know, I was an MRI guy, too. He ran real street. And that's why it's called Real Street. And, you know, it's hot.
02:33:38:24 - 02:33:57:16
And, they had their supra, which is it was like a low seven second deal. So it's a serious deal. But they had those types of windows and it was so hot. They don't have AC. They had unbolt the window. Oh yeah. Every time. And it's like it's hilarious. I'm like man you that really it's not really, look like a race car right now.
02:33:57:21 - 02:34:14:43
And then it would start raining and they got, they had a no hot and wet. Yeah. exactly. But, anyway, so, what else, what else we got on the new car that, you said, we didn't talk too much about the clutch. You said it was an advanced clutch. Yeah, advanced clutches was like a as Rob Youngblood.
02:34:14:49 - 02:34:38:19
I think he's out of Illinois. Wyoming or something. Okay. Because all, like, a lot of pro up ramps, super stockers and stuff like that. But it's a beautiful piece. yeah. Andy Johnson hooked me up with him because that's what I. Andy recommended. And I'm like, there's a bunch of people in Coyote SAC running that for a while now, or I know, and he's got, he's a version of it, illegal or not, the one that you're using that accomplishing something.
02:34:38:22 - 02:34:53:49
Yeah. Yeah, but the guy's really good. Like, he's really knowledgeable. Like, you call me Texan. Whatever time and curse you out. You're an idiot. Is he more, mostly race or street, too? They do streets, a race, race. And I think it's mainly race. Race or, like, serious. Yeah, but he makes it all himself, which is nice. Oh, machines.
02:34:53:49 - 02:35:11:39
The flywheel. So it's a small operation. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, that took like three months to get mine. Okay. You know, but I wasn't in a rush anyway. And. No, no, it's a beautiful piece. I wish I could see through trouble housing on my car. It's gorgeous. But, and then, who else? When I broke the rear when I crashed the Joker.
02:35:11:43 - 02:35:31:08
So I fixed that. I was worldwide bearings, hooked me up with Dave over at worldwide. Guys are using, like, ceramic stuff just on the axles. Yeah, because he doesn't do any tapered stuff. Okay. So he just he just hooked me up with some bearings for the axles and, that's pretty much it, I dig. So what's your opinion on things like the ceramic bearings?
02:35:31:08 - 02:35:50:11
Do you think they really make much of a difference? And, you know, again we go back to coyote stock where you got like every little detail. Yeah, yeah. Do you see a point of diminishing returns on like something like that where, you know, I know Andy, for instance. You brought him up, right? He was that I don't know him that well, but I don't see Facebook.
02:35:50:25 - 02:36:09:43
And he seems like the guy that's like trying to pick every little part. This guy's worse than him. The top of the top. Well, you know, he talks a lot. Do. No no no no, this guy's worse. I mean, there's one guy who actually treated his needle bearings and there's you joints. There's really I'm not going to say is that that that's crazy.
02:36:09:43 - 02:36:33:13
Sent out his new joints to have the needle bearings coated. That's insane. I was like, what? Are you kidding me? There's no man for real. If you got me, I never heard of that. Yeah, like y yeah. I mean, in my mind, I'm. I'm all for being detail oriented, but that's that seems a little, little much. Three. Yeah, well, I don't even thinks of that.
02:36:33:18 - 02:36:48:21
Anything that moves when I put it right in it or whatever. I don't mind you, the guy who told him about. Hey, man, you should do your coat, your your your needle bearings, which I ran away walking, laughing. You guys like, man, he's right. But one thing you have to remember, there's a company that took his money to do it.
02:36:48:23 - 02:37:16:24
Oh, yeah, they got a Sharpie paper them blue. I like their shirt. Look inside. Oh, no, actually they're sealed. Don't open. Yes, well, you know, getting to, like, a more common type of thing. What about, like, things like lightened gears and the micro polishing on, like, bring in pinions, like, you know, we got into that in the pure days, but, I'm just not I'm not convinced who you talk to get because I seen the, you know, the guys that scalped their their spools.
02:37:16:24 - 02:37:32:26
Yeah. And then I see you guys are telling me no, it just creates turbulence. Leave it flat. And I'm like, that makes sense. Yeah, the lighter makes sense. And then they're like, well, you there's some places where you want some weight, right? Some places that you don't want. Wait. Some places that you do for inertia. Right. So it's like who's right and who's wrong.
02:37:32:31 - 02:37:45:10
You know, who's right. The guy with the guy, the guy with the least money. Yeah. Because he's gonna make the right choice, right? I can't afford that. That works for me. No, I'll make it work, too, because my car. I've got Pep Boys bearings in the front. Right. The Joker had that thing, had Pep Boys stuff on it.
02:37:45:16 - 02:38:06:36
Yeah, I agree with that. In a lot of cases, you know, in theory, something should help. But like somebody coming out with, carbon fiber hats for GT 500 for the rotor, like the centerpiece. Yeah, but it's it's at the center of the wheel. So, like, the weight savings there doesn't help as much as if it was that much rotor.
02:38:06:36 - 02:38:33:49
The rotor would make a difference because it's further out from rotating. But, you know, the same thing happens with drive shafts. Everybody talks about super lightweight drive shafts. It's like, yeah, it doesn't matter as much as you think. It's more about the strength in the drive shaft because it has to do with the moment of inertia and how far the weight is away from where the rotation point is, and if it's, you know, I mean, how many people have put a drive shaft in their car and gone to the track and think, I gotta go like 2/10 quicker?
02:38:33:49 - 02:38:55:06
And it's like, I think it's a little quicker. Maybe. Yeah. To tell when the flywheel. That's the biggest argument for flywheels forever. Each one has its advantage, like everyone has an advantage. And there's a late one. Yeah, well, and it comes down to the fact of, you know, I guess that's where money comes in, right? Because you could do it whether you know it works or not.
02:38:55:10 - 02:39:15:27
Right. Like it's not going to hurt. So let's do it. And maybe everything's good, you know? Or maybe it helps and maybe it doesn't, but who cares? I have enough money to do every little thing. So that is where the money comes in, where you said the guy with less money is choosing the stuff that works the best, but he may be he may be missing out on a, B or C mod.
02:39:15:27 - 02:39:35:38
I would call it that. Maybe helps a little bit, you know. What are you what's your opinion on this is a hot topic. in the street car world oil, you know. Do you really you know. Yes. People. Yeah. So there's something there? Yes. You don't have to give up any secrets, but no, no, no, no. And we're talking just engine oil.
02:39:35:42 - 02:40:01:55
Like, what about, like, rear end fluid? Like all the fluids in a vehicle. How important is, you know, the choice there. The I mean I run let I get the phone recorded racing. Letty when I was doing all that diagnosing with the car before winning the stock races. Yeah. That was pretty much one of the areas. I had five heaters on my oil pan because this oil likes to be at a certain temperature.
02:40:01:55 - 02:40:17:58
Gotcha. so how is that something you figure out on your own, or they tell you, they tell you. Okay, you know what? Did I just temperature. Okay, so then we ran that temperature and it picked up. Well, let's try a little hotter. We'll try a little hotter. Let's put another pan on it. Oh sure. The hotter it got, the more it picked up.
02:40:18:03 - 02:40:39:51
The only problem is it burned. The the diaper. A little bit I'm like, that shit smells like shit, man. These heaters are smelling funny today. Do they melt the they melted the the diaper on it. But there's shit like that. Like Mobil one is good. You know, Joe Gibbs is great, but. But do they tell you, hey, run it at this temperature?
02:40:39:55 - 02:40:56:22
You know, I mean, they don't. Yeah, but I'm sure it does. But these guys tell you. Look, does the temperature you, like relax, Ricky. And he's like, just temperature, okay? And we try to. I don't like him. Anything. Right from cold to this temperature. It works. Let's try a little hotter, you know, let's try a different grade a little hotter.
02:40:56:22 - 02:41:14:57
Let's try with the water a little hotter instead of just the oil. Hot. Yeah. You know, all these little things make a difference, but that's just because you have time. Yeah. My friend let me was died when we had time to fuck with it now. And you were running sealed engines a lot of the time. So you may not have as much insight here, but I'll ask anyway.
02:41:15:01 - 02:41:39:29
There's two things you're trying to accomplish with oil, right? If you're messing with oil, you're trying to make more horsepower, right? But in this case, are you hurting lubrication? In any case, do you think like, get what I'm saying? Like running those oils that make more power? Are you also possibly, exposing yourself to more damage? Do you think I don't?
02:41:39:34 - 02:42:01:03
Depends on the oil, too. Yeah, because I don't have one running 050 ten. Yeah, I would never do that. That. That's what. That's why I'm asking. Right? I never run that. No, there's a 30. There's a straight 30. Right. So that zero five might work as far as power, but you're going to hurt your engine. Whereas, a more engineered oil that's not just based off the weight, but whatever else they're doing, I can run I can run a on baby oil in the car.
02:42:01:08 - 02:42:17:40
Yeah. You know, olive oil, right? It'll work really fast. But they got to last there. So like I said, this company actually, like, you know, I don't get the shit for free. I'm not I'm not promoting. I got to pay like everybody else. But it made a difference on the dyno and it's still a 30. Wait. It's a straight 30.
02:42:17:43 - 02:42:33:52
Right. So it's gonna stay 30, 30 hot, cold. Like I said, I've, we've, we've tried with the old factory stock. How used to like old ten. All right. And like there's just for the finals. That's it. You know we're going to run this all day, right? Because we just this is expensive. But it makes a difference. It makes a difference.
02:42:33:52 - 02:42:49:12
You know, like I said, we only experiment with the engine. Yeah, but we do other ones. The trans in the rear. I had heaters on both of them, believe it or not. Right. But it made no difference. Yeah. And that that's another question that comes up all the time to me. Like what rear influence should I run? What?
02:42:49:12 - 02:43:07:42
And I'm like, you know, I just I personally just stick to, you know, motor craft or whatever because it works. Because it works and it's not causing any problems. I remember when I, you know, I used to help Shawn Johnson back in the day in factory stock, and he ran like a real specific. Yeah. High impact. Yeah. Redline, rear end fluid.
02:43:07:42 - 02:43:30:12
And I'm like, it never comes. Is this guy crazy or does it actually help and things like that or, you know, I think that might have been more for durability reasons that he's using that the necessarily any kind of power there. but you know, the oil is a good example. You know, we may have not even mentioned that, but you've got, you know, that might be worth a few thousandths, right?
02:43:30:21 - 02:43:51:36
Maybe your ceramic bearings are worth a couple of thousands. Maybe. You know, your wheel choice weight is, you know, and that's what people don't get, you know. And I use coyote stock as an example all the time to people. Because when people doubt somebody's performance, he's lying. Right. I go, well, look at coyote stock. You get a new guy, come in.
02:43:51:45 - 02:44:16:22
I remember back when it was the Gen one, let's say they were running ten 40s, right? And then somebody like Doug Johnson, who was running pure straight before, gets a coyote stock and comes in and runs ten 80s. Right. It's like, is there something wrong with his engine? Are these guys cheating? It's no, it's like those four, tense or an and and some of them might be driving.
02:44:16:22 - 02:44:34:40
Right. But there's other things that are being done there that somebody like Doug then Doug is a seasoned racer. And he realized, you know, he may have needed to step up, but other people will do that and go, like this bullshit. I got the same shit as they got in there cheating. Or there's something that I don't know about.
02:44:34:40 - 02:44:55:28
It's like there's something you don't know about, but they're not cheating, right? I mean, maybe some of them are, but most of the time it's just not good. Right? Hot rodding tricks or driving or, you know, and this happens constantly in the street car market where people the minute you do something that is faster than everybody else, it's like, oh, you're lying, you're not cheating, you're cheating, I love you.
02:44:55:28 - 02:45:13:33
I've heard that my whole life. And I love it. Yeah. You know, and, I guess that's a compliment, but it gets frustrating sometimes because it also throw shade at your effort, right? A little bit. now, you know, if you hear it enough, you get used to it. And it's kind of like, oh, at that point now, kind of like, yeah, okay, whatever.
02:45:13:42 - 02:45:37:13
I used to be more of an arguer, you know, I remember you. This is where it's like, no. And I, you know, I was in Turkish bar in Orlando. No, no, I still tell that story all the, if you remember that story, I remember we took, the hell guys for the second year. Remember? Yeah. Yeah, we took them.
02:45:37:13 - 02:45:52:33
The first year was when, I was totally out in left field and, you know, like, keep me from getting killed. We had to lock the guys. And then just next year, we're like, we need to go back there. Yes, yes. Oh, yeah. Yeah. But we were, like, way more sober. So like, it wasn't as cool. And we brought Dwayne James and a couple.
02:45:52:37 - 02:46:13:35
Yeah. That's right. And they're standing on this one cordial. Yeah. They're like, where in the hell did they bring us? And I'm like, I don't remember this being. I remember this being cooler. It's like, yeah, because I probably had 10,000 times more alcohol. Yes, we all did. yeah. all right. So right now we're in May, right.
02:46:13:35 - 02:46:31:55
So you think in June, July we're going to see this car, maybe make some first test. It's now you said, of course, maybe you're not going to tell people right off the back because you want to get it dialed in and make a big splash with it, not go, hey, I went to the track and a ham ten 50s nothing, nothing against people got ten 50s.
02:46:31:55 - 02:46:58:10
But obviously, you know, when you build a car like this, you have a ten second car, you run 1050. That's a pretty good value. so hopefully the June man, hopefully, next month we should be out. I'm hoping. I'm hoping. Yeah. You know, what I'd like to see is, obviously, if you're talking June, June, July. that kind of set you up to maybe be in good shape to do, you know, bring it out to you even if you don't like fit of class, just to bring it out and have some fun at, like, mod nights.
02:46:58:10 - 02:47:17:52
I'm trying to get you down here. no doubt by now. That's okay. Things like that just show it off. I think fluke, we could probably set you up with some really cool graduations. Yeah. Here, maybe you can even run, you know, depending on what it'll run. You know, even, like, no time would be kind of like, run the no time class with it, you know, people would freak out.
02:47:17:58 - 02:47:35:49
That's all on the horizon, though. What's what's done to that car? It's all motor. Good luck. What a stupid hood. Yeah. Well, I want to thank you for coming down. You made a special trip just for this. That means a lot to me. You've been a great friend for a really long time, and, I can't wait to see how all this works out with the new car.
02:47:35:56 - 02:48:00:48
Thank you, brother. Thank you. She had it. Loved it. Thanks. Thanks a lot, brother. You're the man.